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Cassandra felt her body shake under the thin sheet. The floor was cold beneath her. Her body ached, the bones that had barely healed throbbed, she could barely see through her swollen eyes. Misery flowed through her.

She could end her misery in her heartbeat if she would just sign the travesty of a document strewn about her. But she'd never sign it.

Bryan had initially been cordial to her. He could afford to since they both knew she would not come out of this encounter alive. He'd given her the biggest guestroom in the old house, the nicest bed and anything she'd wanted. As long as she was working on her will.

Warily cooperating, Cass had finished rewriting her will within 5 days of her “stay”. It had only needed a lawyer to look it through and witness her signature. Hoping it would be satisfactory, she had, nonetheless, not been shocked when Bryan had thrown the papers into her face. Demanding she changed everything.

When she'd disagreed, that's when he started beating her up. It had been so bad that Victoria had to stop him. Only for Cass to be thrown into her current windowless closet and continually beaten everyday. Bryan had forced his own version of her will on her soon after, threatening her with death if she didn't obey.

Cass found it surprisingly easy to disobey. Her death was not a spectre of doom. Also, Kendall was never going to be in his hands. She'd ensured that. So it was difficult to intimidate someone who had nothing left to lose.

Frustrated, Bryan had ordered continued beatings as well as withholding food and water. She'd not been given  food or, most importantly, water for the past four days. Honestly, she foresaw a painful and gruelling death.

But with the end so near, what was a few more days?


When she next opened her eyes, Cassandra was aware of a machine beeping beside her. Staring blankly at the beige ceiling, she tried to recall what happened.

All she remembered was Bryan berating her on her stubbornness and his kicks as she laid prone on the floor. Even then, she'd felt like everything was travelling through water. She had not been able to hear him clearly and the kicks hadn't hurt as much.

Now, her hearing was much better. So much so that the beeping was starting to annoy her. Stiffly turning her head, she was shocked to find Daniel beside her. Asleep.

He looked so haggard. His skin was pale, his unshaven face had dark under-eye circles and his clothes were so wrinkled that it was clear he'd been in them for the past few days.

And yet, despite his unkempt appearance, she felt a huge sense of relief to see him. Maybe it was seeing a familiar face, or just her own twisted attraction to him. But she could allow herself to fall back to sleep with him there.


Daniel waited anxiously outside Cassandra’s room as the doctors and nurses checked her over. He felt a need to be by her side. Ever since he'd found her in Minnesota three days ago, so pale and unresponsive, he'd been filled with the need to be in her presence. As if he feared losing her.

And the fear had been warranted.

She had been so dehydrated and bruised when he'd brought her to the hospital. The doctors had spent a long time with her. Even longer than Jeremy had in his clinic. With her now in a fully-equipped and fully-qualified environment, it spoke of the extent of her injuries.

The spectre of death was ever present.

Finally, the doctors came out.

Barely able to contain himself, Daniel forced himself to present a collected front and listened to their prognosis. Thankfully, she was much better.

Her blood pressure and pulse were within the normal range. Her bones were starting to heal and her bruises were in their ugly stage. She was also conscious and responsive during the exam, which was another positive progress. All in all, she only needed another few days' stay before she could go home.

The doctors didn't question where home was since they assumed she was going back with him. Which he appreciated but Daniel knew it was not a given.

Bidding his farewell, Daniel braced himself and entered the room. He knew it was too much to ask for Cassandra to be asleep. And he was right.

Although she was still pale, her face still swollen with bruises, her eyes were sharp and immediately focused on him when he entered. Tension thick between them, he made his way to the chair beside her bed and held her closest hand in his. He was surprised she didn't try to snatch her hand away.

"What happened?"she asked, her voice surprisingly husky.

"I found the files you compiled on Bryan. And the title to the land in Minnesota. After discussing it with some of my contacts in law enforcement, they agreed there was a risk in using them but the FBI could bring Bryan in for questioning it, which would give us enough time to find you,"he explained, not able to look at her. Remorse, anger and helplessness bubbling within. Her hand tightened around his.

"Where's Kendall?"

"He's fine. He's with my parents. He's knows you're safe so he's back to normal. Only his tantrums are back,"he added with a grin, eyes fixed on their joined hands. She had surprisingly long, elegant fingers. Her nails were well taken care of and yet, he'd never seen her do anything for her hands. There were a few signs of her ordeal, some redness and scratched but it was a beautiful hand. Which made him wonder what else had he overlooked that were equally beautiful.

"What's going to happen to Bryan?"

"He's dead. Tried to escape the capture which forced the feds to gun him down. Unfortunately, it was a fatal shot,"he told her sharply. The feeling being lost and rage rose in hg is again. He'd spent so long trying to bring him down and it had taken a measly week for the feds, with Cassandra’s help, to get him. Now, all the energy and time that he'd spent on that man were free. And he didn't know what to do.

Brought out of his mind when Cassandra’s hand slackened in his, his eyes shot to her face and the tension left him when he saw shock, instead of unconsciousness and pain, on her face. Unable to help it, he  cupped a hand on her face. Startled, she looked into his eyes. Understanding filled her eyes and it began to be filled with tears.

"H-he's gone?"she asked, her voice wet. At her nod, the tears started falling. Panic and uncertainty made his heart race and he did the only thing he could think of. Sitting at the edge of her bed, he wrapped his arms around her. Certain she was going to reject the embrace, he was surprised when she buried her face in his shoulder and started sobbing.

The only thing he heard was, "I can finally get on with my life."

And that made his heart clench.


AN: Hey guys. Here's another update. Let me know what you think.

I'm thinking maybe 2-3 more chapters? Still have to think of a way to somewhat realistically get these two together. Or if they're even meant to be together. So stay tuned.

Please do VOTE & COMMENT. I know I can't stress this enough but they really motivate me and make me get off my lazy ass and write. Especially commenting. (This is not a threat or I'm blackmailing for comments. I'm just letting you know more about me.)


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