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4 years later.....

Looking at herself in the mirror, Cassandra was reminded of a similar night four years ago. For a similar event. Only this time, she was the one organising the fundraiser. And she was mad at Daniel for a different reason. Laughing softly, she shook her head and caught sight of Daniel at the doorway, carrying their newest addition.

"Daniel, he was asleep,"she cried angrily even as she cooed at Liam, their ten-month-old son. Liam gifted her with a toothy, drooly smile and spread his arms to reach her. Her smile turned bittersweet as she was reminded of the one she'd lost. Throughout her pregnancy, she had been awfully moody and teary about her little boy. The one she had forgotten until then. It had made her so guilty. But, with counselling and frequent conversations with Daniel, she had accepted that it had been out of her control. There had not been anything she could have done that could have saved him. So, what she had taken to do was light a candle whenever she thought of him. She'd burned down quite a few candles on their mantle but it had helped her accept and hope he was in a better place.

"He was crying,"Daniel said as he tried to keep Liam to himself. Their son was not having it. He wanted his mother and he was going to have her. Cass just sent a dry look her husband's way when Liam let out an angry wail. She huffed in irritation when Daniel still would not give him up. "What about your dress? Won't he wrinkle it?"

"MY dress? Have you seen your dress shirt?"she exclaimed-slash-grunted when Daniel finally relinquished his hold. She bounced him in her arms slightly while Daniel grabbed his tuxedo jacket. Looking dashing and handsome.

Some days, she could not believe what a wonderful, thoughtful, helpful husband and father he had become. It had taken her two years before she had accepted his proposal. Aside from being busy with the takeover- restructuring the company and getting rid of all bad apples with the help of Derek- she had been occupied with her growing group of girls. But he had always been there. Even when all Cass needed had been to vent her frustration

She had taken accepted more girls in the house. And although there were girls who had been leaving for college or another role out of the city, the number of girls being taken in far outnumbered those who left. The house had become too small. Also, with girls having to share rooms and toilets, some had rubbed others raw. Resentment had brewed and it had taken a huge fight that had involved the family for Cass to be aware of it. That had been when she realised she could not handle both her girls and the company.

So it had been with great reluctance, and much cajoling by Daniel, that she had set up a foundation for the girls with people who were more qualified to understand them and see what was brewing under the surface taking care of them in the house. Houses. She'd bought two more property that would best handle the amount of youths she was accepting. Much to Daniel's chagrin.

And she had found that having these people were very helpful. They had done so much for the girls. They trusted them more because they were around and related to them more. As much as Cass wanted to help, she just could not connect with them, their experiences. So she was grateful that she was able to help them in any way she could.

Which brought her to the event that night. She was having a fundraiser for her foundation but was leaving most of the work to her staff as well as some of the girls who'd expressed interest in this industry. With the help of a company well-versed in such events, she could see that it was going to be fine. Especially since she'd chosen a company who was willing to coach her staff and girls. She had had to fire a company that was better-established and had more experience but had belittled her staff and excluded her girls. Now, all she had to do was settle her son down and leave before Daniel did anything else.

"You better leave him alone,"Cass hissed, setting Liam back in his crib while Daniel cooed behind her. They tensed when Liam whimpered but he shifted slightly and dropped back to sleep. Heaving a sigh of relief, Cass grabbed Daniel's arm and dragged him out. "Dan! We have to go." Stifling a laugh at his hangdog expression, she went to check on Kendall.

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