6.Mumana wa Mwewo.

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The Mumana wa Mwewo river was the symbol of everything the bemba held dear , it was origin of all bemba living and it was revered like one of the gods. It was the living proof of Lesa's presence Muchalo. And people came from all over Lubemba to draw life from it . People came from as far as beyond lake Malawi to wash themselves in the sacred waters so that they may be cleansed and blessed with good fortune . People with bad intentions , thought twice before they could desecrate it's waters, because that would mean endless misfortune.

A story is told all over bemba land, though varying versions, of how the great Chitimukulu , founder of lubembaland had cut his heel on one of his many expeditions to find the perfect land to build his Lubemba Empire. His brothers Katongo and Nkole had carried him to the banks of the river where he had dipped his heel to cool it. When he had removed it , it had miraculously healed causing him to exclaim " uMumana wa Mwewo! " meaning " River of life!" . And so, to this day the river is called Mumana wa Mwewo . Because it was at the foot of this river that the vision of Bembaland had been brought to life.

Too bad Chitimukulu, the founding father of the empire died before he could see the offspring of the seed of success he had planted. He had been burnt to death ruthlessly by chief Mwase for seducing his wife. And Nkole, his immediate brother ,upon hearing this, had burnt Chief Mwase and had died choking on his intoxicating fumes.

It was never explained what happened to Katongo the youngest of the three founders but the bemba tradition, reveils that A new Chitimukulu Maluba had arose and had set up the bemba kingdom and had initiated the paramount title "Chitimukulu" , so that following generations would praise the founding father of Lubemba land.


Chiti woke up feeling sore from the previous evening . She swiftly swept the compound and prepared food for her younger siblings , calling them by their names.

"Twiza, Taizya , Chongo! "

The 11 year old twins Twiza and Taizya where the first to emerge from their huts rubbing their eyes maddly. As the two girls came closer, they spoke.

"Do you have to call so loudly !", Twiza said in annoyance.

" yes , we heard you the first time ", Taizya finished off.

Before they could countinue with their complaint, their eyes were diverted to a Crying Chongo who came running swiftly to the cooking place.

" Chongo, what is wrong now? ?"

"I can't find mother" , he said between sobs. This was not the first time mother had disappeared off early in the morning, Chiti thought. She had been acting strangely.

"Shh.. maybe she went to fetch water....now wipe your tears Umwaume tafwile alila ....A man should never cry and you're a strong man, aren't you? " , she said picking a nodding Chongo up into her arms .

As she put him down she saw her mother coming into the compound ,whistling. She finished serving the food and went up to greet her mother.

" Mother you are here? "

" yes my daughter may Lesa bless you!" ,she said tightening the bag she carried around her arm. Chiti did not bother to ask her mother about were she had been .

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