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"Mbao...no need ... it's my-", before she could finish somebody interrupted her.

"what is going on here ..."

That voice made Mbao put Chiti down in a reflex , almost dropping her. As they both looked back Chiti knelt down and bowing before the man, she said " Long live Chitimukulu's heir...", then touching his feet she stood up and was shocked to find Mbao had not joined her . Arrogant prince she thought to herself, he would get them both in trouble.

Clearing her throat she spoke, " My prince this is -"

"Mbao" , the prince cut her off pulling him into a brotherly hug and both men embracing each other as if they were long lost brothers . Chiti stood in shock, unaware of how to translate the whole incident that had unfolded before her eyes .

" You can call me Chanda ...."

" Chanda", Chiti said in her maybe-not-so rusty bemba bowing slightly.

" so you're the girl Mbao can't stop talking about ...", he wanted to go on but Mbao punched him in the shoulder making him grin, exposing a row of perfect white teeth.

Chiti looked at Mbao amusement dancing in her eyes. She wondered how the two had met.... she had never seen a lozi and a bemba get along so perfectly . It was a delightful sight to watch, as the two men talked on like old friends and Mbao's hand holding Chiti's gentle but firm.


"Shut up........nobody can save you now! !!!!....where is your minion now???.....Today you will die in these scared waters .....even the most respected ancestors cannot intercede for you now ...."

"Chila...ple-please ......don't you think you're going too far Africa can't..... Swi-swim....", her twin pleaded with her , as her heart filled with pity for a frightened Africa .
Africa was now griping the banks of the river and Chila had made sure she could not come out any way. She was trapped . Only Lesa could save her now or she would surely die. And she entirely dreaded the fact.

" That is your fate today .....YOU WILL DIE!", Chila said with an evil smile on her face .

" please Chila ...Nnnooo", Kasonte said trying to save Africa.

Everything happened so quickly and before Kasonte could do anything ....Africa was drifting away from the banks taking large gulps of water as she struggled to stay above the water.


Lost deep in conversation with Mbao, Chanda's diverting eyes caught sight of a drowning figure and in almost a reflex , he dashed over to save it, Chiti and Mbao followed after him eager to see who it was.

He felt his breath go dry and once again he felt a strange feeling encompass his heart....like the night he first saw her after ages.

"Africa !!" , he called out and without much hesitation he dived into the waters and swam at the speed of lightening.

As he lifted her onto the banks of the river ,he called her name numerous times but received no reply. Out of desperation , he decided to use an old technique his white master had taught him a long time ago.

He pressed his lips onto Africas' and immediately felt desire ...to possess, to own, to love and to touch. Sucking all the water from her lungs and gradually spitting it out, his saliva mingled with hers. He was longing for her taste but he had to keep his composure ...

Chiti and Mbao held Africa to the ground firmly on either sides of her body. They only let go after she began shaking her body , coughing.

Chanda was still on top of her when all of a sudden she flickered her eyes open. There eyes met once again...Africa's eyes showed that she was surprised.



Hey guys 👋

I know I didn't update for two weeks ... but I was really busy 😐😄

So how are you all?

How is the summer/hot season going for you? ?

Tell me all about it

Anyway got to 😁

See you Again? ?
Love you

Always your friend,

Instagram: Queen_untsky😛

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