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A couple of nights before the wedding there is “Uku chesha” This is where the bride does a recap of what she has been taught in form of dance  and song. This goes all up until midnight and the bride must perform to a bunch of married women.

"Ulululululu....!" , Bana Chimbusa exclaimed , with her tongue circling her lips and her hands making  constant gestures with her mouth .

The Other married women , including Africa's  Nasenges sang,

" Umwana  Akala Eya ,
Iseni mumone

umwana Kayla Eya yanga ...".

As the women hit the drums  more furiously , Africa's hips shook with more intensity.  Her legs jumping from one place to the other  in the circle the older women had made for her .  The beads around her waist danced a dance of their own as they took on life .

" Africa , my Child put your back into it ..! .." , Grandmother Bampatikishefye , the oldest women in the hut exclaimed, humor dancing her eyes ,   Earning giggles of laugher from Lala and the twins who where also present in the room .

After  Africa Had exhausted all of her dance moves , she took her sit on the floor next to Lala.

One of Chanda's aunts , then sat  down next to Africa with a freshly killed chicken; she plucked its hair off and butchered it into pieces for the basketball-sized charcoal stove outside, and told her about how each part has special meaning for the wedding. The neck was stuffed  inside the buttock , essentially, and signifies the wife’s respect for the husband.

" The husband is the head of the House ... " , she Said looking at Africa .

" He may sleep around .. but men will be men ..  ubuchende wa Mwaume tautoba Nga'unda.." , Nasenge Nema chipped in , Earning murmurs of approval from the other older women.

" When you sleep with your husband , you body must be bare and free of all distractions .." , Masaka, the queen added on .

" yes ... your husband must have  easy access.." , Grandmother Bampatikishefye  said  causing every one to break out in a fit of laughter.

"Sex in marriage is such a special, important, private, and sacred act , treat it wisely, my Child.." , Bana Chimbusa said .

" Eya mukwai , Aunty.."

" let you mouth only be used to build your husband , never to tear down... "

" yes , aunty ..."

" Now my Child you must retell all you have learnt..."

Once again Africa was at the centre of the circle, dancing to the beat or the drums . Retelling with great accuracy all she had learnt .

Some parts of the teachings were sexual and others taught  how to behave in the presence of in laws and how  to treat them. They must  be treated  as family and also respect must be given to the mother in law.

When Africa was done  , Bambuya signalled for Chanda to come in and he entered the circle , encircling her waist  as she danced .

Rage boiled within Chila' s heart , such that stormed out of the hut in a fit of rage .  Lala followed her outside but stoped dead in her tracks when she saw her talking to Mulola .

"What would make such a beautiful girl so upset ...?"

" Its That Africa , everything around her...everything she owns .... is supposed to be mine ...."

" How is that so ..?"

" I am a way better dancer than she is ..."

" well....How would you like to be queen?"

Chila stared at him widefaced and in shock .

" would you  like to marry me in other words ..?"

"  But why would you want to marry me ?.."

" why wouldn't I want to marry you ...?"

Chila blushed and smiled widely.

" well, for one , everyone calls me Chila the terrible ..." , she said earning giggles from him.

" Its never too late to become chila the Wonderful..."

" You seem like a worthy suitor ..but I think ... this is just too sudden ... let's know each other better first ... "

" OKAY.... lets get to know each other..." , he said smiling and grabbing her hand .

Lala smiled to herself  and went back into the hut with a grin.

  When the men finally returned at 2 a.m., they  danced and danced and hooted and hollered until everyone was  exhausted .

Mulola and Chila had been the talk of the evening  . The older women where already  talking about there wedding being the next to take place .

Lala had disappeared off with  Lusekelo  and was nowhere in sight .

Africa and Chanda say in a secluded corner chatting .

" Do you remember the time you where convinced you could fly ...? " , Chanda said humorously  .

" I was 9 tree rings ..." , Africa said trying to sound annoyed .

" and a half ...." , Chanda added on.., " I inwardly believed you  , you know .. Because something so beautiful should have wings..."

" You think I'm beautiful .....?"

" Africa , I think you're Phenomenal...  "

The two sat side by side , neither speaking for fear of the moment escaping the night . They just sat there     staring at the moon and grinning from ear to ear.

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