Chapter Two

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My eyelids felt extremely heavy as I slowly began to wake up. Still appreciating the fact I only had an afternoon class and evening class today, I realized I should still probably get up. I checked my schedule on my way to the bathroom and smiled when I saw tomorrow was Friday. The feeling quickly went away when I saw I had math again, which meant I might see mystery boy again. My jaw was clenched as I made my way to the bathroom and quickly hurried to shower then made it back to my room before 11. I tried to apply my makeup in our room but it didn't go very well, due to the horrible lighting. Luckily I don't wear much makeup because well, I'm too lazy and too broke. I put on a T-shirt and a cardigan then my jeans and boots. For once, my outfit didn't have that much black in it, well if you leave out the boots and the T-shirt and well, some parts in the cardigan. I live for patterned cardigans though. 

As I stepped out into the chilly air, I walked towards the coffee house on campus. I ordered a hot chocolate and sat at a table and put my headphones in my ear, pressing play as I began to scroll through my twitter timeline.

"Hey," I heard just through my music. I paused Sky Ferreira's voice and looked up to greet the guest. "Yeah, it is you," his emerald eyes beaming down at me. He had that dumb smirk on his face as he helped himself to sit down across from me, sipping on his drink. I set my phone and headphones in my bag and crossed my arms and watched him. He seemed to enjoy how annoyed he makes me.

"Hi," I said as our eye contact was still going strong.

"That might be the first time I've heard you talk," he teased, laughing at himself as he took another sip but I didn't even flinch. "Whoa slow down baby, no need to get so overjoyed by my presence," he threw his arms up in such an innocent way.

"Is there a reason why you keep budding into my business?" I shot back, still emotionless. He still looked unaffected by my coldness towards him. He set his drink down before sitting back in his chair.

"I just want to know your name." He was charming and confident, I'll give him that.

"Finley, and yours?"

"Harry," his smile burning into my skin.

I gave him a forced smile as I went to take a sip from my hot chocolate, his eyes watching my every movement. I raised my eyebrows at him and he raised his at me as he crossed his arms, sitting up a little bit to mimic me. I set my cup down on the table and he reached his hand out like he was pretending to put his own cup down. I rolled my eyes, and it didn't take him long to roll his eyes too and let out a large sigh. I squinted my eyes at him and sat up taller. Continuing to mirror everything I did.

"So are you going to that party tonight?" He asked, breaking the game he started.

"I don't know, am I?" I raised an eyebrow up.

"Yes, you are," he too confidently said. I couldn't help but smile at him remembering that I threw the map away.

"And what is going to happen at this party?"

"I'm going to get to know you better," he said proudly, flashing me his award-winning smile.

"Alright," I said, the smile on my face never leaving.

"Well alright," he repeated. For the next twenty minutes in silence, he sat there, just staring at me. Every now and then he'd give me a goofy smile or something silly like that. I stuck my tongue out at him as he crossed his eyes. He looked at me giving me a really creepy smile, but not like forcibly creepy, just like, like he was admiring me or something. I took another sip of my hot chocolate then got up and threw it away.

"Look, although this was fun and all, I have somewhere to be so yeah," I said walking back to the table. He looked up at me giving me that same creepy smile.

"I'll walk you." He quickly stood up before I could reject.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I said, hoping he'd get the hint that I don't want him to walk me anywhere.

"Nope," he said smiling, snatching my bag from across the table before I could reach it. I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. While I tried to keep the distance between us, I still tried to make sure he was close enough so I could see if he'd run away with my bag or something. Before long he was walking right next to me. I could just barely smell his cologne. I had never smelled anything like it really, but it definitely didn't smell like anything cheap.


"You walk weird," he suddenly spoke up.

"Hey thanks," I said sarcastically.

"I didn't mean that in a bad way but like, you seem to have a problem walking in a straight line," he laughed. He was right. I always seemed to have to check to make sure I wouldn't walk off the curb or something. There wasn't anything wrong with me, I'm just, unbalanced I guess you could call it.

"Yeah I know," I said, still with the tone that I was being sarcastic. I hadn't realized how much taller he was than me. He must be about six feet, which would make him like six inches taller than me. When he looked down at me, it really came as a culture shock how small I was to him. He could literally squash me.

"Here let me help you," he said laughing and we both stopped walking.

"How are you going to help-" my sentence was abruptly ended by him coming behind me and putting his large hands on my shoulders. His touch was gentle, but still strong, and warm. His hands overpowering me.

"Walk," he said, I could literally see his smirk on his face without actually seeing it. But I did as he said, and when he would shift my shoulders, my entire body moved to that position. I didn't like being overpowered, I felt like a child, but I still couldn't help but laugh as he tried to help me walk in a straight line.

"I don't think this is going to work, what am I supposed to do when I'm walking alone?" Struggling to get the words out from my laughter.

"Looks like I'll have to walk you everywhere," he said calmly but I immediately felt my face flush. My laughter ceased but he continued to direct me straight. When we got outside my building, he held out my bag and I gave him a small smile.

"Thanks," I said quietly then turned to go into the building, almost stumbling under my own feet from not having his hands directing me anymore.

"Hey Finley, wait!" I heard his voice boom from behind me. I felt his familar grip wrap around my wrist and spinned me to face him. I looked down at his hand that was still holding my wrist then up at his eyes. "So you're coming to the party tonight, right?" He said in a tone of his I hadn't heard before. It was almost too serious for him. 

"Sure," I tried to smile but I almost felt bad for lying to him. This is it. I should tell him. I don't want to upset him or anything. I opened my mouth to speak but the smile that appeared on his face I didn't want to go away. I almost wished I could go back to that class and dig the map out of the trash. But, if he cared enough to get to know me he would want to meet me somewhere were I actually wanted to go. I wouldn't be caught dead at a sorority party. Especially with mystery boy who finally has a name.

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