Chapter Fifteen

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I woke up before her and watched how softly her breathing was and her chest rising and falling slowly. I was surprised how fast my mom liked her because Finley has a very intimidating look to her and her lips always seemed to be pressed together as if she's annoyed. I haven't seen that side of her in awhile though, every now and then she glares at me or rolls her eyes, but she doesn't look as annoyed as she used to. I looked down at her messy long hair spread out next to her in its usual tangles. She rarely tries to look nice around me anymore, I like it though. I watched as her hazel eyes fluttered open and looked immediately up to meet mine. She gave me a faint smile before rubbing her eyes and making her look even cute than she did before. I can't even explain how fast my heart was beating last night when it hit me she was now mine. It seems like such a huge step from being fuck buddies to now dating, even though we have 'technically' never been on a date. I guess if you count the movies and all the times we've gone to dinner and to parties and stuff then we've gone on quite a few dates, but other than that it doesn't feel like we really have.

I don't care though because I'm just happy to be able to be with her and be the one to tickle her to hear her loud but contagious laugh, to see her nose scrunch up when she sticks her tongue out at me or doesn't like something she eats, or to see her little hands gesture along to the stories she tells or tries to explain something, or they way her little body can't seem to walk in a straight line, or the way the little gap between her front teeth shows when she laughs but when she catches me staring she looks at her feet, or the way her cheeks heat up when I talk to her, or how when she gets angry she balls her hands into a little fist and her little body shakes as she tries to calm herself down, or how cute she looks doing anything, or how I just can't help but like her.

"Good morning," I said hearing my voice crack.

"Yeah, good morning," she says squinting her eyes at the sun coming in through the blinds.

"I don't feel any different," she says after we get up and get dressed.

"What do you mean?" I ask throwing a gray sweaters over my head and watch as she eyes it and smiles. This is one of her favorite sweaters I own.

"Well like we are dating now I guess but I don't feel like we are doing anything different other than adding a label," she says still smiling as she pulls up her jeans.

"That's because we weren't exactly just friends before," I answer teasing her.

"True," she says and looks through her suitcase and pulls out one of my gray sweaters and pulls it over her head. "Look we're matching!" She says laughing and I smile at her adorableness.

She excuses herself to the bathroom as I go into the kitchen to see my mom sipping on tea and reading the newspaper.

"Good morning," I say to make my presence known as I look into the fridge to get something to eat. Nothing good.

"Good morning," she says cheerfully. "We have eggs if you want me to make them for you and Finnie," she smiles and I hide my cringe at the nickname.

"I think Finley and I are gonna go to Mack's," I say adding emphasis on her name to hope she gets my hint but she just smiles. "You can come if you want."

"No that's alright, thank you though," she responds politely and goes back to her newspaper. I kiss her goodbye and knock on the bathroom door and open the door enough just to see her face.

"We're going to go get breakfast," I say as I interrupt her brushing her teeth and she nods her head yes and uses her free hand to gesture me in.

She hands me a toothbrush, which I'm guessing she thought was mine, and then slid the toothpaste over and gave me a smile smile before she spit into the sink. I reach over and grab my real toothbrush and begin to brush as she runs a brush through her tangles. I laugh as she struggles to get the brush to get though the length of her hair and she tries to ignore me. When we get out to the car, I open the door for her and shut it behind her before going to my side.

"So this is a date, huh?" She says smiling before she reaches into the console to grab her favorite CD of mine so far and skips to her favorite song then diverts her attention to me.

"You betcha," I smile and pull out and drive to Mack's.

When we walk through the front door, I hear the sound of the familiar bell go off and I walk us to a booth and sit across from her, sliding her a menu as I pick up my own.

"So what's good here?" She asks as her eyes flicker from page to page carefully.

"Everything," I smile and try to not stare at her any longer.

I decide to get coffee and biscuits with gravy as she picks apple juice and pancakes. When the waitress walks away with our order I tease her about her choice and she kicks my leg under the table.

"So did you used to come here often then?" She asks as she folds her delicate hands on the table and rests her chin on them.

"Yeah, I used to play guitar and sing for like 'background entertainment,'" I said pointing to the small stage in the corner of the room. She looks over at the stage and smiles then back up at me.

"Can I hear you play sometime?" She asks me. I want to tell her no, because no one from our college knows I can do either, and I don't really want them too.

I don't know if I can see myself having a future with her and playing is like a secret hobby of mine. Like those people with feet fetishes. They don't tell people or let them know that they are like that, then once they are married and trapped with them, they admit it and the wife ends up being creeped out by the husband the rest of her life. Or in my case, I don't just want her to lie to me and tell me it's good or something so she doesn't hurt my feelings, I want the criticism. Not just, "you suck" or "never play again" but more like constructive criticism. 

"Maybe," I tease then nudge her under the table with my foot. She tries to get me back but I use my own legs to wrap around hers so she is stuck under my hold.

"No fair," she pouts and sticks out her bottom lip. I do her signature rolling eye move and she hides her face in her hands and makes sniffling sounds.

"Finley," I call out hoping to get her to stop so people around us don't think I'm making her cry.

"Finley," I say again looking around to make sure I'm not drawing anymore attention to us. She continuously tries to wiggle her legs away from my hold but I won't budge. She suddenly jerks up.

"I have to go to the bathroom," she says smiling. I shake my head no and she gives me a twisted look. "Really? You're not going to let a lady excuse herself so she can go to the bathroom?" 

"You're excused," I smile and don't let go of her legs. She huffs then tries to use her hands to pry me off of her.

"Will you please let me out?" She asks using her hands to beg. 

"Yes I will, since you asked nicely," I tease and let go of her legs and she gives me an irritated look but then smiles and brings her legs up and crossed them underneath her. She's so short and tiny I can't imagine it being as uncomfortable as if I were to try that. Just as she catches me staring, the waitress brings us our drinks. I smile politely and thank her as she sets them down.

"So where do you wanna go after this?" I ask taking a sip from my coffee.

"I don't care, you're the one that lived around here, where's the best place to go?" She says amused and moves her straw around in her cup.

"We could go for a walk," I say and her face lights up.

"Definitely," she agrees before taking a sip from her apple juice.

I love the fall weather with all the colors, and I can tell she does too. Whenever we walk, I see her staring at the leaves we walk past and she just completely takes in her surroundings. It's so nice to see someone appreciate nature as much as she does. Except for the fact she's terrified of thunder/lighting which I find equally as amusing. She can tell I'm watching her as her cheeks instantly turn a shade of red before she looks down and plays with the sleeve of my sweater on her.



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