Chapter Twenty-One

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Harry's POV

It's been a week since Finley has left. I still have no idea where she went or what she's doing, but her phone is turned off and no one around town has seen her. I've been going mad thinking about what she might do. We both said things we regret, or what I hope she regrets saying, and I just want to be able to see her so I can apologize. 

I kissed my mom's cheek and waved by the Gemma as I put the last bag in the trunk of my car and slammed it shut. I hope she's at campus, safe, otherwise I don't know what I would do. I ran my fingers through my hair and started the car then pulled out of my mom's driveway and then faced the journey I was now going on. 

When our song played, I couldn't help the tear that made it's way to my lip, wetting cheek on its way. All I could think about was the story of her dark days that she told me about, or what she might have left out that she didn't feel comfortable enough telling me, and how much it would kill me if I was the one that pushed her right back to that same place. 

I didn't stop for food, and I drove straight there, knowing there was no way I was going to be able to sleep in a motel. I pulled into campus at around 2 in the morning and parked the car in the garage my friend lends me since he doesn't have a car but he has a house near campus. I shut the garage then ran to her dorm. I pulled open the door and saw there wasn't anyone at the desk so I raced up the stairs to her floor. I must have skipped at least three steps at a time running up there as fast as I could. I slammed my fist on her door repeatedly when I finally stood in front of her room. 

"Finley!" I boomed, slamming my hand on the door again. A nearby door opened and someone yelled at me to shut up but I waved them away just as the door in front of me opened. However, it wasn't the exact person I wanted. 

"She isn't here," the small girl in front of me said crossing her arms. 

"Where is she?"

"I don't know, she hasn't been here for weeks, I figured she was out of town for the break," the girl said annoyed.

"Would you care if I waited in here for her, in case she shows up?" I asked.

"Yes, I would care. She isn't coming and I have a job in the morning so I need to sleep. Goodbye," she said as she shut the door in my face and left me alone in the hallway. I turned around and leaned by back against the door and fell down and put my face on my knees. 

I've failed. She's not here, she could literally be anywhere and I'm the one that made her leave. It's all my fault.

Two Days Later

I went to every party on campus I could think of, in hopes I would see her walk in. Watching her in her little tight black crop top and a black skirt, her feet dancing over to the kitchen then to the dance floor. Her small figure being watched by almost every guy in the room, drooling over her as her body knew the exact way to move.

It was exactly midnight when I walked into the second party I've been to for the night. I groaned and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer off the counter then walked around the party. Ignoring all the girls coming onto me, I sat on the couch and let my eyes wander around the room. That's when I saw her, except it wasn't really her. All of her hair was cut off to about shoulder length and she had died it a really light blonde- almost white color. She was wearing a really tight black dress and she was barefoot in her ripped tights. I couldn't help myself as I walked over to her and tapped her on the shoulder. The sight was unbelievable. She had a split lip and bruises on her arms. 

"Finley?" Her eyes immediately became cold as she met my gaze.

"What do you want?" She said turning back to the group of guys she had around her.

"What do you mean what do I want? You walked out of my life and I had no idea where you went. How was I supposed to know if you were safe, or even alive?" 

"Weren't you reading the newspaper, mama's boy?" She sinfully smiled as she took her lip between her teeth. 

I rolled my eyes and grabbed her arm. I pulled her to a quiet room and shut the door behind us.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked, my hands gesturing to her new appearance.

"You said you would still like me if I cut and dyed my hair," she laughed.

"So what, you're a criminal now?"

"Yes actually, after outrunning the cops for a while, stealing a new car every time one ran out of gas, sleeping in the back of one of them, and using my money purely for buying food, I guess you could consider me a criminal," she laughed and fell back on the bed, sighing.

"You're ridiculous," I sighed and walked out of the room, leaving her alone.

I could hear her name being called by one of the guys in the group from another room and she quickly pushed her way past me and went into the room that was the source of the noise. I walked to the end of the hallway and took a glance in the room as I saw her on one knee and she had a rolled up dollar in one hand and a line of white shit on the table, and I forced my eyes away when she put her face above it and put the dollar way too close to her nose. I pushed past all the people in the house and went outside to catch my breath.

This is all my fault. I pushed her away and she pushed me a hundred times harder away and left. I could only think about how the new guys she was going to be surrounding herself with would treat her. They would probably hit her- but she would hit them right back. I laughed to myself as I thought about that, her feisty personality with some douche bag guy trying to slap around some small girl, but little do they know she's not exactly the person you want to mess with. I thought back to the time she got into a fight with one of her old friends from high school and she laughed and showed her teeth as she spit out the blood in her mouth, like it was all a joke to her. But god- she's something else. 


AND THAT'S THE END! The only thing left to write is the epilogue and this fic is officially finished! Thank you all so so so much for reading this and leaving your feedback, it means so much to me, especially to see your comments. So those of you who weren't ghost readers, and who added my story to your library or something similar, just know I saw and it meant a lot to me. You all put a smile on my face! 


As of 10/28/2015, there is a new story in the works! It will be called The Boy Next Door!

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