Chapter Six

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As we walked into the party, I couldn't help but watch as all eyes kept finding their way to me. I thanked myself for putting at least a little bit more makeup on before leaving, even though Harry kept groaning and saying we should go. My tight black dress went just past my butt and I kept pulling it down casually. Harry turned his head back just about every second just to smile at me while he led us through the busiest part of the party. His eyes nearly popped out of his head when I had finally finished getting ready, after that small make-out sesh I wish I would have reapplied some lipstick or something but I was just ready to go. I couldn't wait to be here, at this frat boy party, with Harry. When we got into the kitchen, Harry poured himself a drink and when I went to get myself one he nearly slapped my hand away.

"Are you sure you're ready to get white girl wasted tonight?" He teased. I rolled my eyes and turned around and spotted the rum. Yummy. I grabbed a coke off the counter and opened it and poured it into my cup along with a large amount of rum. Harry laughed as I immediately took a sip. I wiped my mouth and stuck my tongue out at him. I wonder what he's like, "white girl wasted." He led me to the main seated area with his arm around my waist, as to claim his territory, but that didn't stop me from winking at a few frat boys we passed. We weren't even close to being a thing so I didn't see the harm in preparing some people I might want at some point. I flipped Harry's snapback off his head and put it on my own and squeezed my eyes shut and stuck my tongue out at him which made him laugh, like really laugh.

We sat down at a couch that was surrounded by other people on couches who were also just talking, or whatever. The people that usually "hooked up" ignored the couches at parties like this and went directly for the bedroom. A part of me wished Harry would lead us back there, because with him I didn't want to respect my body or morals as a "lady," I just wanted him. I think it's the tattoos mixed with his dorky personality. I crossed my legs and looked over at him and noticed he was already looking at me.

"Got any pot?" I smirked and he smiled.

"Hold on," he said and got up and walked into a hallway. I quickly moved a pillow in his place so no one would try to take his seat. He came back just moments later with a baggy and a bowl. Wasting no time at all, he packed the bowl and handed it over to me and lit the bottom for me while I sucked in. This was one of the most intimate things I've ever done. I exhaled slowly and closed my eyes and fell back onto the back of the couch. I held the bowl out for him and he did the same as me, laying his head next to mine.

"I could lay like this forever, you feel?" Yes.

"I guess," I replied nonchalantly.

I looked over at him and he had his eyes closed but a big smile plastered on his face. I propped my head up with my hand and rested my elbow on the edge of the couch.

"Can I ask you something?" I said quietly.

"You already know the answer to that," he replied, not opening his eyes.

"Oh, okay. But, like, I don't know how to like ask this-"

"Just say it."

"Never mind." I sat up and looked around for the door we walked in from.

"What are you thinking?" He asked and I looked over at him and his eyes were now open but he wasn't grinning like usual.

"That I want to get the hell out of here," I said a little bit too harshly. I could see it in his eyes my words hurt but I just said them anyways. He held out the bowl for me and I pressed my lips together. He's good. I grabbed the bowl and let my spirit do a dance around me and exhaled every bad thought I had. The only bad thoughts that were left, were the ones that I wanted to do to Harry. I would hurt him though, I'm no good for him, or for anyone for that matter. I let myself take another hit and handed it back over to him and watched as he inhaled and blew out rings. Amazed, I pressed him to do it again which only made him laugh. He did it again and I put my finger through the ring that was coming towards me.

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