high school freak show...until you?

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right i know what your thinking iv not finished my other story so why start another well i just thought id write a story i can partly relate to so here it is :)


high school? high school is for some people the best years of there life for others its okay because they have there friends i however fall into the third catagory high school is the worst years of my life i have no friends and iam basically the outcast of the outcast's and no matter how hard i try that will never change.

oh i forgot to introduce myself i'am sasha davis im 15 oh and im a lesbian :)  and i have one more year to serve at prison opps sorry i meant high school right now its the end of summer break and the first day back and im teriffied.

i wasnt always scared of school no actually i used to love school well primary anyway. i used to be popular i used to play basketball almost everyday with my friends most of them boys but i had a few girl friends im more of a tomboy short hair football tops boys jeans boys trackies yup thats me and when i was younger that was okay however when i went to high school i was expected to change into the proper slut woops i ment lady but that would never happen i'am who i'am but i didnt know that me being me would cost me so much or that i would be come the schools punching bag and the schools...freak.


right so this is my second story and i think its going to be a bit harder to write because i relate to it slightly but i really want to write this story so yeah here it is... x

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