chapter 1

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chapter one

i look at myself in the mirror black t-shirt black jeans nike hi-tops i look ok but it wont matter how i look not to them anyway. i turn and walk out my room down stairs to the kitchen worng move..

"dont you ever dress like a girl

honestly you do know that your a girl right?"my sister natalie looks at me like i've just threw up on her shoes or something but im used to it by now she doesnt care i get one cares...why would they?im not worth it.

"hello freak i asked you a question!" natalie shouts in my face i lower my head and mumble a 'yes' "well maybe you should start acting like one instead of a freakin dyke" i flinch at her words. she pushes past me i almost fall over but catch the counter top just in time i let out a shaky breath. wondering why she cant just leave me alone i look at the clock quickly 'crap its later than i thought'i turn to walk out to the front door but walk right into my mum

"ouch watch where your going"my mum snaps i grab my ipod put my earphones in walk out pressing play and listen to 'evanescence sick' blare into my ears and start my walk to school thinking maybe i could just skip the first day and go to the park or- 'no i need to do this the first week is the most important i need to see if anything will change' i already know i wont though.

i walk through the school gates the school looks empty 'crap im late'i think to myself and start running i run to my locker and get there just in time for the bell to first period goes 'great just in time to get smacked into the lockers' i grab my maths book out my locker and try and wait for the hall to clear my breathing getting heavier trying to not to think about what would happen if i tryed to walk along side the normal kids.the halls getting quiet i decide to try and make a move i shut my locker and turn around and see the faces i dreaded the most the populars

"well well the freak returned"chuckled cole captian of the football team taking a step towards me and i take a step back now pressed against my locker my breathing getting worse

"watch out cole baby dont get to close you might catch something for it" coles girlfriend tiffany says looking at me digusted i turn away from them almost running down the hall

"you can run all you want runt but we'll get you later"i hear one of the shout as i run i turn to go uup the stairs but end up on the floor

"oh im sorry but-"a soft feminine voice says before i cut her off "its fine"i snap picking up my book 'im so late' i think i look up and stare into the bluest eyes i have ever seen "i mean im-uh-its..."i stutter out i look at her body she is about the same height as me wearing tight blue skinny jeans that fit her perfectly and vest top showing off her boobs 'oh great another girl that will end up hating me'

"it's cool im taylor im new"she says with her smooth voice "i was wondering if you could actually help me im kind of lost"she asks nervously 'she looks kinda cute when she blushes'oh shut up sasha' i think

"i uh well erm..."speak sasha speak i push past her and run up the stairs to my maths class 'god im so stupid why cant i just speak to people like a normal person'i walk into my maths class and everyone looks at me'great now im center of attention' i think my breathing going funny again

"miss davis how nice of you to grace us with your presence please take your seat at the back please and turn to page 145 in your book"mr davidson tells me i turn to walk up the back almost there when i hear ian whisper something

"yeah get to the back where the freaks belong" i walk faster pretending i didnt hear him just as i get my book open and ready the door opens and taylor walks in handing a note to the teacher.

"okay class listen up we have a new student today this is taylor roberts i want you to make her feel welcome now taylor why dont you take a seat at the back there besides sasha for now okay?"mr davidson tells us and her 'whoa why beside me?' everyone turns to look as she takes a seat beside me she is to close for my like i move my seat closer to the wall away from her a few people whisper and point.

"so your names sasha cool so...what happened this morning one minute you were there the next you were gone"taylor asks looking at me 'crap' i turn my head away hoping she will get the hint.

"you know your supposed to be making me feel welcome your not doing a very good job"she smirks 'ugh why does she have to talk she is going to ruin her chance of being popular because of a nobody' the bell rings but taylor doesnt move so i cant get out she is waiting for a answer

"look i uh well you'll find out soon enough that im ehh...not the...right kind of..person you want to hang around with"i stutter out she looks at me confused but stands up and i stand up and rush past her but me being unlucky trip and fall on my face everyone laughing i have to hold back the tears

"uh oh i told you we would catch you later freak"miles says taylor comes to help me up but i push her away

"watch out newbie who knows what this dyke has"amber says i stand up and look at taylor she looks confused and worried i turn and run again leaving them behind me going to the toilets i cry completly missing 2nd and 3rd period i go out a lunch go get pizza alone the rest of my day goes exactly the same (turns out taylors in all of my classes exept english) i keep getting pushed into lockers tripped laughed at im used to it im the schools freak show!.


so chapter 1 i know its short

i may or may not put chapter 2 up tonight im not sure yet

comment and let me know what you think of chapter 1 please pretty pretty please *puppy dog eyes* really appreciate it thanks <3

comment vote fan :) x

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