chapter 4

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"sorry just had to do that see you at the weekend!"she turns and runs leaving me standing there shocked i finally get through my gate then to the front door and into my house still smiling maybe this year wont be as bad i think to my self


"so was that your girlfriend that just kissed you outside or just some creep who has a certain attraction to other creeps"natalie asks as i walk into the living room and with the mood im in i dont think anything could annoy me...much

"uh no just a friend that is not a creep"i say smirking

"yeah then why did she just try and stick her tounge down your throat?"natalie asks looking at me skeptically

"it was just a...friendly kiss no big deal and there was no tounge action"

"like im going to believe that im not stupid and its written all over your face that you like her"natalie argues with me

right now all i can think about is taylor and how soft her lips were against mine even if it was just quickly and her blue eyes the way the light up when shes happy and when the seem to turn icey when she is pissed which is a side i dont want to be on.

"ugh whatever"i turn around heading for the kitchen starving but stop "why do you care natalie?"i ask without turning around

"i dont im just worried about what the other girl is going to do when she finds out your a total freak"she says coldly ok that hit a nerve but then i remembered this afternoon i turn around and face her

"actually she already knows about kyle"i say she looks up shocked and worried"she knows that i killed him but she doesnt know why and she doesnt think im a freak so your wrong."

"give her time and you better not tell her anything!"she stands up barging past me and goes upstairs i shake my head my stomach growls at me so i walk through to the kitchen to make something to eat...

*at the psyciatrist's the next day*

"ok then sasha tell me how have you been since our last meeting"nikki (my psyciatrist)asks me

"fine"i reply

"have you been eatting correctly?"

"yes!"i get asked these questions everytime i come here im so fed up with hearing them

"have you hurt anyone recently?"

"people hurt everyday because of something i done so yes i have"i reply truthfully feeling a bit of pain when i say it

"now mrs.davis i thought we talked about this what you did was an accident and that you need to move on ok?"i nod not really meaning it "good now have you hurt yourself recently?"

'yes' "no"i lie

"well thats great tell me hows life at school its a new year right?"why does she have to be so nosy and cheery?its honestly so annoying

"its fine"i half lie

"are you sure?because by the mess your face is in...unless this happened at home?"

"uh lets get things straight my sister maybe a raging bitch but she would never hurt me well atleast not physically and i very rarely see my mother so she couldnt have done this and for your information i fell off the curb and hit my head!!"okay so the last part was a complete lie but she didnt need to know that.

"okay im sorry i didnt mean to upset you calm down"well damn right im upset your are trying to get into my head my head that hold so many secrets of course id be upset

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