chapter 2

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i walk home an go up to my room lay on my bed and cry i stand up after about 10 minutes of crying into my pillow and go into my jacket pocket and pull out the penknife i have kept in the pocket i go back over to my bed and sit down i look at my wrist at my scars these scars are my only way of releasing my pain with every drop of blood that comes out of my wrist it feels like im taking away the pain they have caused me it feels like im the blood im finding a way out but then it stops and i get pulled back into the worthless thing that is my life

i place the sharp knife over my wrist and slice across it gasping at the pain the pain that I have the control over no one eles just me i watch as the blood slowly starts to run out of the cut i smile atleast it shows im still alive. i lay back on my bed and slowly fall asleep...

i wake up to feel something vibrating i look at the time 9:07pm i feel the vibration again i look down i dont see anything so i slowly stand up a bit dizzy i still feel the vibration its coming from my pocket its my phone...weird no one calls or text me mostly because hardly anyone has my number i take my phone out my pocket and it says i have 5 missed calls from an unknown number ok this is super weird it goes again proberly some stupid kids from school wanting to scare me i ponder if i should answer or just leave it get abuse or ignore it i decide to answer out of pure curiousity.

mystery caller:about damn time!

me:excuse me

mystery caller;oh sorry about that iv been calling you for ages i was about to give up

me; eh who is this?

mystery caller;oh yeah woops sasha its uh taylor i dont know if you reme-

me;ofcourse i remember your in my did you get my number? no one at school has it before you try and lie!

taylor;i wasnt going to lie but you did lie to me because i did get your number from school records to be exact and im from school and i have your number

me;oh erm why though?

taylor:i wanted to apologize for what happened today in the corridor after maths and that im sorry that i didnt-

me; sorry that you didnt join in with the rest? you know i get enough of this at school i dont need it at home anymore that i already do okay bye!

i hang up the phone great i knew they would get to her i just knew it and now i will have to change my number 'great just fucking great why cant they just leave me alone it wasnt my fault what happened' i think

knock knock

someone opens my door 'awesome more abuse'

"sasha...honey i want you to know that im sorry about this morning its just that iv been working alot lately and im just abit grumpy please forgive me"my mum explains

'your busy all the time mum seriously when was the last time you actually paid a little attention to me you know everything about natalie but know nothing about me i bet you dont even know my favorite colour which is blue by the way'

i wanted to scream at her but i didnt because i know what would happen after

"yeh ofcourse its fine"i whisper she turns and walks out "i get it work and natalie first sasha never"i whisper when she is gone 'nobody cares about me anymore im nothing' i walk over to my bed and fall asleep not bothered about eatting anymore...

*next day english class*

well so far iv been tripped 3 times slammed into the lockers 2 times and called a freak...iv lost count and its only 3rd period and its almost lunch iv not seen taylor yet only her second day and cutting classes already. the bell rings bring me back from my thoughts i let everyone go first and go really slowly not feeling very hungry i decide to skip lunch and just go to the library.

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