CHAPTER 12 i WAS the high school freak show until you.

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he was determined to hurt me but just how far will he go?


he threw another punch i dodge moving forwards punching him in the ribs he turns round quickly swinging his arm round missing me as i dodged again i push him back against the fence grabbing his hand i put the dusters off throwing them to the side. stepping back.

"you want to fight me your going to fight fair no cheatting...unless you think thats the only way you can beat me" i say smirking at him he runs forwards smacking into me making us both fall to the ground he punches me in the jaw a couple of times before i can get my hands up the he starts on my ribs. i push my knee up hit him in his boy parts he falls to the side i roll him over so im on top of him now. i punch him in the nose twice once in the jaw i pause to make sure hes still awake. he takes my pause as an opertunity to push me off him and stand i get up quickly just in time for him to run at me again.

i put my arm over his head putting him in a headlock i lift my knee him the ribs i hear him groan i do it again i feel him getting heavier as he struggles against me. he stops pulling at my hands and aims for everywhere else he punches my side making me lose grip he pulls away but jumps fowards again his fist colliding with my jaw making me dizzy for a second i see his hand come again but i grab it quickly twisting it making him scream in pain. as he leans forwards in pain my elbow smacks off his face i releas his hand he stumbles back...'lets finish this' 'agreed' i punch him once,twice,three times before jumping my foot colliding with his face his head snapping to the side as he falls to the ground and stays there...'i done it...i actually done it' 'we done it actually' 'no i didnt need you for this'.

"and wolf is the official undefeated champion and has now won £150,000 lets hear it for the champion!"the fimiliar voice shouted...jordan. i saw the door open and taylor ran in followed by katie,heidi,liam,natalie,jordan and a big man i think he's jordans dad. the crowd were still going crazy. taylor jumps on me.

"you won!"she says happily in my ear.

"i know and i'm not even hurt that badly"i smile at her putting her down.

"hey bitch!"miles shouts behind me finally getting up"we're not done yet"he spits at me

"yeah we are i won now walk away"i tell him. i watch as he picks something up i see the light hit it is that...knife? he runs forwards i didnt want to move incase he missed me and got taylor but i didnt exactly want to get stabbed either. i felt conflicted as he was getting closer...i got ready to fight him again but before he got closer he was on the floor the knife was away from him and he had handcuffs on him. i watched as jordans dad yanked him up off the floor.

"miles masters im arresting you for attempted rape and carrying a dangerous weapon you have the right to remain silent anything you do say will be used as evidence in the court of law" (A/N i think that parts right but not sure) jordans dad pushed him forward walking past me

"this isnt over when i get out on bail i'll find you and i'll kill you and your slut"miles spat at me

"your not getting bail mate your getting years in prison but dont worry i'll come visit you if you like...oh and by the way after tonight everybody will know how sick and twisted you and your brother really are...i may have killed him by accident but after everyone knoes what he done to my sister i'll have my life back and're already forgotten"i tell him smiling. he starts trying to pull away from jordans dad but his dad was massive so he just pushed him out the door like he was nothing.

"your such an idiot he could have stabbed you and you were going to fight him again"taylor pushed me trying to be angry but i could see th corners of her mouth twitching

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