chapter 7!!

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hey its been a while since i updated and now i have the cold but here is chapter 7 of high school freak show...until you? thanks for reading <3


*Taylor's p.o.v*

thank god that friday is a half day i really need to talk to sasha about what happened last night and i dont think i can wait all day.

"hey taylor! wait i need to talk to you. its important"miles calls behind me making me walk faster through the carpark "taylor wait."he grabs my arm i pull away glaring at him

"what do you want? or have you just come to harrass me some more cause trust me im not in the mood"i snap at him

"oh no i just came to tell you that i know"miles smirks at me 'ths cant be good'

"yeah and what is it that you know?"i try and keep calm but him smirking at me just isnt helping

"i know why you moved here. the internet is amasing dont you think? tell me taylor have you ever googled yourself?"i stare at him 'oh god please no this cant be happening' he pulls out his phone

"no well i have an look what i found"i look at his phone already knowing what is on there i watch quietly "now i see why you and that little freak get along so well...but nobody has to know about this."

"really and hows that?"i ask him in a monotone

"well so far im the only one that knows but if i push this button this video goes out to the entire school including your little freak girlfriend"

"what do i have to do for you not to do that?"

"well now that you mention it i want you. i want you to tell her you dont care you never cared she was just an experiment and that your going out with me now and that you dont want her to even look at you anymore...clear?"miles smirks at me i dont want to do this but with dad and everything else that happened i seriously dont have a choice but i dont want to hurt sasha...

"ok fine but i will never like,love or even touch you"i sneer at him

"i wouldnt be to sure about that babe ill see you on monday and if your still with the freak everyone gets to see this"he kisses me on the cheek swiftly before running back to his friends laughing.

i start walking home trying to figure out a way out of this.i cant hurt her but i cant risk anyone finding out who iam or what i did. its going to be a long weekend...

*natalie's p.o.v* (not done natalie yet so bare with me)

"make sure your sister is okay i have got work to go to...natalie this isn't your fault you did right by telling me i know this must be hard for you to see your sister like this but its for the best trust me" mum tells me before walking out the front door

i drag my feet upstairs to sasha's room i knock on the door not getting a response 'proberly has her earphones in' i open the door slowly seeing her sitting on her bed just staring at nothing 'this is all my fault' i walk over to her as she finally notices me pulling her earphones out

"what?" sasha snaps at me "come to tell me im not allowed to listen to music or talk or breath!?"she glares at me

"no i just wanted to check on you thats all"i shrug my shoulders

"like you care you ignored me for almost four years! you shut me out and i was the one that tryed to help you. this is all your fault my life is nothing it has no purpose because of you! i have to tell the one person that has actually cared about me in four years that i cant see her anymore at all because of someone that doesnt care about me!"sasha erupted jumping off her bed striding towards me

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