chapter 9!

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*Natalie's p.o.v*

"natalie?!"i hear sasha's voice sound throught the house causing me to run down the stairs quickly

"what? what is it? what happened?"i look over sasha looking at her hands extra carefully

"nothing everything is fine,great actually i was just wondering if it would be okay ti have some...friends over for a while"sasha looks down kicking the floor nervously

"friends? uh thats fine but who?"i watch curious as sasha steps back opening the door and three people walk in they all look fimiliar but i dont know who they are.

"you remember katie right? and liam?"sasha points to the brunette girl and the boy with black...well everything. i look at them closely as i slowly remember who they are.

"katie? katie chambers?"the girl nods"your all grown up now and liam your darker thank i remember"i laugh liam used to always be the bright one the one that wore the bright yellow t-shirts or bleached his hair or swaped shoe laces to make his shoes stand out a bit different now he was just black hoody black jeans black hi-tops in a way he reminded me of sasha now except his hair was proberly longer than hers. i look at the other girl.

"and this is taylor...taylor roberts my girlfriend"sasha holds taylors hand

"i thought you broke up with her...sasha you know-"i start getting cut off by taylor

"she did but then we fixed things and figured things out we are back know life is surpirsingly harder since i moved here"taylor looked at sasha smiling

"right well...okay"i didnt know what else to say cause i didnt know what sasha had actually told her "so why arent you in school kiddies?"i ask them going back to sitting down in the living room

"uh well sasha and liam were in time out and me and taylor were bored so here we all are"katie smiles at me

"but isnt your mum like the head teacher or something? wont she notice your gone and suspend you all?"im pretty sure i read somewhere that her mum got the job.

"how in the hell did you know that and i didnt?"sasha explodes

"because i actually read the school news that get sent in the post every month"

"thats cause your a major geek now"sasha laughs

"but yes my um is head but if i make up a good enough excuse well all get away with it since i have her wrapped around my little finger"katie smiles sweetly

"hmm still the same little katie what 'bout you liam you look...dark what happened to your bright bubbly personality?"i asked truely curious what had happened to him

"oh ya'know lost all my friends to lies my dad came out as being gay left me my little sister and my mum to move in with his new rich doctor boyfriend and now im slowly getting my friends back and very very slowly getting over my dads betrayal"liam shrugged

"uh wow...i have no idea how to respond to that...since when did you have a baby sister?"i take the subject away from his dad

"since two years ago little baby ashley adorable but when she doesnt get what she"liam laughs

"aww i want to meet her"i tell him before turning to taylor"what 'bout you taylor? got any brothers sisters?"

"nope one and only child kinda sucks"taylor says she had a sort of troubled look like talking about it hurt or something

"why if i was a only child id love it get anything i want do whatever i want it be amasing... not that i dont love having sasha just she can be a handful"i quickly add seeing sasha glaring at me

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