chapter 8!

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sorry havent uploaded my interent ran out :'( but im back so here ya go :)


*Taylor p.o.v*

i feel guilty now i shouldnt have hit her. and i was going to break up with her anyway but i just dont understand why she broke up with me and then what the hell happened. it was like she wasnt even there it was like she was a completely different person it was kind of scary. i want to know what need to know what happened.

knock knock knock

who the hell is at my door? oh for fuck sake...i yank my door open.

"what do you want miles?"i growl

"someones in a bad mood...anyway im here to see my girlfriend"miles smiles sweetly at me

"im not your fucking girlfriend now get of my porch"

"ah but dont you remember our little agreement? you dump her go out with me and i dont show everyone your secret little video"

"yeah well iv not broken up with her yet so you cant be here"i lie flatly hoping he believes me

"oh yeah so that fight you had in the park with her yesterday wasnt you breaking up with her?"

"how did you know about that?" miles pulls out his phone pressing play i watch as i see a replay of yesterday. "you do know stalking is illegal and i could have you arrested right?"

"i wasnt stalking you"miles snaps"if you must know i didnt film this someone else from our school did and everyone has seen it so dont blame me although i wish i had done it. this is actually up with some of sasha's best fights for some unknown reason. you should check them out"

"your such an ass and she broke up with me by the can leave now"i start shutting my door but miles buts his foot in the way looking up at me confused

"the freak broke up with you? why?"

"sasha isnt a freak! and i dont know she just did now leave it at that and piss off you complete tosser!"i snap at him losing my temper a bit

"god i love it when a girl talks dirty i wish we could continue this but i have something important to find out"miles jogs away before i can hit him i slam my door

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!"i scream at nothing before running up to my room i grab my laptop.

sasha davis fights

i click on the first thing that comes up theres a video on the page i pause 'do i really want to see this?' 'no but you have to' i click play. i watch as a boy rushes forward punching sasha in the stomach a couple of times before stepping back grinning he turns towards the crowd not noticing as sasha stands up right she shouts something that i cant hear making the boy turn round just as she punches him in the jaw making him stumble she punches him with her left hand then with a final punch from her right hand he falls down unconcious the crowd cheering as sasha starts walking away but she stops and walks back over to the boy she turns his head looking at his neck she leans down and bites him quickly but you can see she bit him hard when the camera zooms in and the video stops.

what the hell was that about? why did she bite him why not just walk away? i read the description

sasha davis-the wolf aged 12 vs ryan goodman-spartacus aged 15 at underground semi finals.

sasha was 12 when this wait she would be in first year when this happened this must have happened not long before kyle. i look at some of the comments

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