chapter 3

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"no taylor im not worth it"i whisper to myself


i wonder where taylor is? she is missing class already?maybe she is ill? 'stop thinking about her you need to stay away from her'i think. i seriously cant concentrate on anything and i dont know why i mean its not like i have feelings for the girl? right?

the bell rings i wait for everyone to go out first and i head to my locker only getting smacked it to one locker on the way quite the achievement. this taylor thing is really bugging me though i keep thinking about what she ment when she said i was worth it to her? did that mean she liked me? 'its not like it matters i have to stay away from her' i walk into the toilets hoping i wouldnt bump into anyone but lucky for me no one was in there because most people were already on their way to class i didnt even need the toilet i just needed to think.

after about 10 minutes of standing in the toilets i decided to just skip the rest of the day an go home. not like anyone cares right? i walk out the girls toilets along the corridor down the steps but just as i was about to walk through the doors i could hear someone talking...well more like shouting i reconised the voice.

"dont pretend you dont like me any girl would be luck to have me! so stop pushing me!"the voice says and i knew who it was. miles... i heard someone whisper something but i couldn't make out what they were saying but there was a loud bang that made me flinch.

"dont get smart with me bitch i run this school and if you dont give me what i want then il make your life hell"miles sneers

"why dont you back up eat some mints and grow up"i knew the voice it was taylor but if she is here why wasnt she in her classes?

"you stupid little..."i heard him say i ran threw the doors and seen he had his hand raised ready to hit her i didnt know what to do then suddenly he was faceplanted into the lockers with his hand twisted behind his back

"dont you ever raise your hands to me again now i said no now stay away from me and apologise"she said so calmly but you could still hear the threat in her voice "i said apologise"

"ok ok im sorry just let me go" miles whined taylor let go of her arm and stepped back turned and looked at me and started walking towards me and il be honest if you looked at her face she would look perfectly fine but her eyes were on fire you could see the anger in them but she hid it so well she grabbed my hand and dragged me along with her we ended up walking through almost the whole school then across the football feild and damn she walks fast we finally stop she turns around facing me i just stand looking at everything but her.

"what the hell!"taylor says i glance at her big mistake she looks so angry"i have tryed to give you time to figure things out iv given you all morning and this afternoon but then when i go to come find you miles tells me that you hate me? what did i do? iv been nothing but nice to you and i dont even know you"taylor tells me the anger still visable but her voice has calmed down again

"yes i know i never said i hate you and its exactly because you dont know me that you are being nice to me but would be best if you...stayed away from me im not the right kind of person you should be hanging out with im sorry"i tell her reluctantly turning away i start to walk away but dont get very far.

"i know what you did?!"she shouts i freeze and turn to face her

"i..i dont know what your talking about"i say...she cant know miles said he wouldnt tell her unless...

"why are you suddenly nervous then"she asks"exactly this girl...katie i think her name was told me"

"yeah and what did katie tell you?"i snap

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