Lauren where are you?

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Alex goes to Fousey!
Alex: Fousey, I have a problem.
Fousey: Bro what's wrong?
Alex: Baz and Daniela are trying to kill me.
Fousey: Bro, how do you know?
Alex: Remember when I got hit by that car?
Fousey: Yea
Alex: Lauren said it was Baz and Daniela, and Lauren took a picture of the license plate and we took it to the dmv to see who the owners were and it was Daniela and Baz!
Fousey: Yo, we have to go the cops.
Alex: When?
Fousey: Tomorrow!
Alex: Ok. Fousey do you mind coming with me home, it's just scary knowing 2 people want to kill me!
Fousey: Aye bro, I got you!
*Fousey and Alex arrive home*
Fousey: LAUREN!
*Alex finds a note*
Alex: We kidnapped Lauren where you can't find her- Unknown.
Fousey: What is it?
Alex: Someone kidnapped l-l-Lauren!
Fousey: Man, it's ok. We will go find her!
Alex: What about the cops?
Fousey: We can call them now, and go find Lauren tomorrow. Cool?
Alex: Cool.
*Fousey calls the cops*
911: Hello what's your emergency?
Fousey: My friend Lauren has been kidnapped and the kidnappers left a note but the name they put is unknown!
*Fousey gave the rest of the info, while Alex cried his eyeballs out in the back*
Alex: Fousey, what's wrong my life? What did I do?
Fousey: *hugs Alex* Alex, you didn't do anything your life is a dream, there will always be problems in everyone's life, trust me, we will fix this!
Alex: Ok Fousey!
Fousey: I'm gonna go get my things I'm sleeping over tonight, I'm gonna protect you! Come with me!
Alex: Ok... thanks Fousey!

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