He says yes!

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Lilly just asked out Fousey! Will he say yes?
Fousey: Lilly, oh my god. Um, sure we can go out sometime.
Lilly: I know you've wanted to ask me out for such a long time you were just to scared to ask!
Alex: I'm so happy for you!
Fousey: Thanks but we're not official yet, maybe after the first date!
Alex: I understand!
Marlin: Wanna watch a movie? I'll make popcorn, you guys can pick the movie!
Alex: Sure! Thanks Marlin!
Marlin: No problem!
*Roi accidentally put the news channel on*
News reporter: Here a couple was found tied up with their mouths taped shut. 3 guys around age 20 had found the couple, while the other 2 in their twenties were looking somewhere else. The rescuers name was not identified as of yet but he did look like this. The kidnappers were identified as Baz and Daniela! Both kidnappers have been locked up
Alex: Marlin, you're on the news!
Marlin: I know that's so cool!
Lauren: I'm glad their locked up now!
Fousey: Me to, cause if they weren't I probably beat both of them up!
Lilly: Woah, calm down! You wouldn't actually beat up a girl would you?
Aaron: No he wouldn't.
Fousey: It just depends on the situation!
*Roi got out of the shower*
Roi: Did you guys pick a movie yet?
Lauren: Not yet!
Roi: Ok, I'm gonna help Marlin!
Alex: Hey any of you guys heard of the movie 'Corpse Bride'?
Lauren: I did, but I never watched it!
Everyone: Same!
Alex: So corpse bride it is!
*Alex puts the movie on*
Lilly: I love it already!
Lauren: Me too!
*1 hour and 30 mins past*
Fousey: That was a great movie! Victor got married to a dead girl! DAMN!
Alex: I know that was on that dope dope but also on that crazy crazy!!
Aaron: Let's go to bed!
Roi: Ok!
Marlin: Good night!
Everyone: Good night!
Btw Corpse Bride is my favorite movie

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