A litt day

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Fousey and Lilly go home, and Alex and Lauren go home!
Alex: I have to say that was one of the best nights ever in like forever! *he said to Lauren while vlogging*
Alex:*vlogging, doing the end of vlog talk* me and Lauren have been through a lot of stuff, many of you know, it's,it's been really hard, we thought of breaking up, but tonight our life has completely had us be really happy thanks to, Fousey and Lilly.
Lauren: What about bear bear? He was there!
Alex: No! Bear bear didn't help! He just touched the wrong places and he's mean!
ANYWAY! You guys have helped is a lot, and I know I haven't vlogged for DAYS! But that's because things have been happening! But I wanna thank you guys so much! We love you more than anything in the world! So do me a favor and don't forget to remember, if you're not smiling you're doing its wrong! *water drop sound*
Lauren: Alex, I hope you can forgive me for anything I did to you. I didn't mean any of it!
Alex: Lauren, why would I not forgive you? You're the love of my life! I love you!
Lauren: I love you too!
*The next day*
Fousey: Hey Alex, you wanna come to my place? The squad is gonna be their and we are gonna play Mario Kart!
Alex: Sure!
Fousey: Aye!
*At Fouseys house they play Mario kart and obviously Alex wins, then they go out for dinner, then they all go back to Fouseys house and play Mario Kart, then sleep over!*
Alex: Bro, are you serious? No I want to pay some money to!
Fousey: Alex, please you're my best friend and I wanna do this for you!
Alex: Here just use this to!
*Alex hands Fousey $100*
Fousey: Are you sure?
Alex: Yea!
*They eat breakfast them come home to start packing for playlist in D.C*
Alex: *vlogging* so playlist is in 5 days and I have to pack to go to DC, so I'm gonna pack!
*1 hour later*
Alex: I'm FINALLY DONE PACKING! Playlist be prepared!
*Alex does the end of vlog talk then edits then sleeps*

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