A month had past and I was continuing to get these detentions. As much as I hate them I know it has to be me that suffers, I have been receiving many letters from Sirius. Harry has been saying I look ill. I told Sirius I was fine and just avoided the questions, I think he is still suspicious but not as worried.On the other hand Harry is fine, a bit miffed with Dumbledore as he has kept his distance from him. He is also concerned for me, I'm flattered. I think he knows I'm ill because of the detentions but he isn't aware of what is happening. I'm not ill as in sick I'm just weak after, the blood loss makes me tired, pale and weak but I'm fine within a day. I've been stealing pepper-up potions from Madam Pomphrey but she soon figured out things were going missing so I started stealing from Professor Snape.
"Yes Harry?"
"Why when you have a detention with Umbridge do you come back looking like you've been in a war zone?" He's muttered looking quite annoyed and worried.
"It's just tiring Harry, I'm in there a long time"
"Why did you cover for me? You know when I threw the book last month?"
"Sibling thing, didn't want you getting grumpy now did I." I smirked hoping to change the conversation.
"Acceptable answer sis, I do hate her. A smile plastered upon his face.
"Yeah same bro, same" I hate her so much, she makes my blood boil, my skin itch. It's like finding homework a day after its due, a bloody pain.
Harry started walking towards his dorm to go to bed but I called him back.
"Can I borrow the cloak, I told ginny I would do her homework for her but I need a book from the library." I lied
"Alright I'll go fetch it." He ran up stairs to grab the cloak.
"Keep it for a while, I've had a longer time to use it than you."
"Thanks bro" I turn around whipping the cloak around my shoulders, with one last look I cover my head and head towards Dumbledores office.
The school was creepy at night, it made me feel on edge. I knew Professor Dumbledore was in Mcgonagalls office this evening having a meeting so that shouldn't be a problem.
I got up to where the Gryffin statue was "Chocolate frogs" I whispered and the Gryffin twirled revealing the staircase to the headmasters office. I silently chuckled to myself of the irony of the walkway to get to the office, it literally was a Gryffin-door.
I walked to the back of his room to where the fireplace was, on last look at Fawkes who looked at me with a suspicious glare I grabbed the floo powder.
"12 Grimmauld Place"
With a 'graceful entrance' I dusted of my robes. taking the invisibility cloak off, I walked toward the staircase quietly, well I was until Kreature started yelling.
"Intruder, intruder! In the black family house!" He screeched, I respect house Elves I do but come on, he's met me before. I'm not exactly what you would call intimidating.
"Shut up Kreature!" Sirius yelled running down the stairs. "Lily? How did you get here? Are you alright?"He said running to me embracing me in a hug looking for any injuries.
"I'm fine, I just need to talk to you, in person. I have to get this of my chest."I looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Yes of course, sit down in the kitchen I'll make some tea." We walked to the kitchen side by side.
"So, how did you get here?" Sirius questioned curiously.
"Harrys invisibility cloak, I told him I was going to the library to find a book and went to Dumbledores office, I knew he was in a meeting with Mcgonagall so i could use the floo without him realising." I said looking quite proud of myself.
"And how are you planning on getting back?"
"I was going to apperate to Hogsmeade then walk through the one-eyed witch passage under honeydukes cellar."
"I see, so what was the thing that was so important you could not write in a letter or wait till Christmas." He said raising an eyebrow.
"Don't go to the department of ministries."
"I wasn't planning on it, why?"
"Just don't, I'm afraid Harry is going to do something stupid later on in the year and I'm not going to be able to stop him."
"You need to explain this in more detail." Sirius said, I could tell he was starting to loose his patience.
"I can't tell you it in full unless you promise not to tell anyone, not even Remus. I'm prepared to do an unbreakable vow with you its that serious."
Sirius, trying to ignore the pun straightened in his seat and agreed he would not tell anyone and the vow was not nessisary.
After a long discussion and many tears shed from the both of us we agreed not to discuss the matter again. I felt that I did not have to explain to Sirius how I have knowledge of such information but at least he believes me.
"Can you not tell me please, are you like some magician?" Sirius glared at me with a playful grin.
"Well being a witch I suppose I am. " I said rather sarcastically.
"Fine don't tell me... Are you a seer becau-" Sirius was talking rubbish and he knew it but you have to admire his courage for trying to question me further.
"Sirius, just shut up" I said quiet plainly, I was tired and just wanted the night to be over, or morning should I say.
"Okay, okay! Don't bite my head of, you finished your tea?"
"Yeah, I should be heading back it is 2.00am" I chuckled."Yeah, your right, by the way, your going to have to floo back to Dumbledores office, I don't think honeydukes is open at 2.00am." He laughed, he had a good point. There was a fault in my plan.
"Ahh yeah, didn't think about that. He's going to be in his office by now. He's going to be so mad." I muttered through gritted teeth.
"Na he loves you, just walk out the fire place and say hi, then leave. I bet he will find it rather funny." Sirius suggested.
"Yeah, he would. I'll just do that". I grabbed the cloak and bid Sirius a farewell. I flood back to Dumbledores office and just as I predicted. Dumbledore was sat at his desk staring at me.
"Hi sir" I said as casually as I could, I was trying to think of something cool to say as my final words. Alas I couldn't think on anything so I just started walking towards the door to leave.
"Miss Potter" he said in his usual calm voice. I turned around slowly, I would feel his eyes at the back of my head.
"Yes sir?" He's face looks serious, I'm in trouble.
Dumbledore lifted up a hand and started wiggling his pointer finger as if to say 'come over here' I walked cautiously towards him. He started rummaging around in his draw. He stopped quickly pulling out a metal tin. He looked up at me and smiled. I was not prepared for what he was about to say.
"Lemon drop?" He grinned.
"Ooo yes please" I quickly took one. "Night sir" and slipped away.
"Good night... Lily"

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Fiksi Penggemar* In Progress* Harry Potter is now in his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Still suffering after the Loss of his friend Cedric Diggory and the re-birth of Lord Voldemort he makes a promise to himself to protect his loved one...