Chapter Four: It's Real

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Jay's POV

I couldn't get Avery out of my head all week. No matter how hard I tried. How I held her when she broke down, the way I held her. To watch her cry and scream like that, tore me apart inside. And then when I tried to compel her to forget what she heard that lunch hour, and it didn't work, it just made me want to know more about her. Why wasn't she compelled? She's human isn't she? She's a mystery, she's not a vampire like me, I know that for sure. Someone must have protected her, drugged her even, so compelling wouldn't work.

And then that kiss. All week I wasn't sure if I felt something for her. But now, I know I do. I haven't felt this alive in centuries. Her light pink lips, brown soft hair, bright green eyes, her smile, her laugh, her personality, is beyond perfect.

Even though my heart can't beat, I know it would right now. But what would the boys think, let alone say, if they knew I'd fallen for a human? They'd make me turn her? Kill her? Leave her? Turning her into a monster like a vampire is unthinkable... I couldn't put her through that. She's young, and has a full life ahead of her. I wouldn't be able to smash it down and make her into something terrifying. And leaving her would be painful, because I wouldn't be with her. But she'd be alive and healthy at least.

I'd have to keep this from The Group. No idea how, but to keep Avery safe I have no choice.


Avery's POV

Considering my mom was away, and Lexi would hopefully keep her mouth shut, I let Jay stay for a little whole after the kiss.

Lexi loves him, thinks he's amazing. And he gets along with her pretty well, which is a bonus besides his amazing looks.

It was around 8:30 when Lexi finally crashed and I was able to talk to Jay without her interrupting and giggling. We sat on couch, a little awkwardly, I was crossed legged beside him. Jay looked like a statue, no movement of him until I spoke.

"So, where does this leave us?" Curiously, I ask.

"Where does what leave us?" He turned me. "The kiss." I answered.

Jay situated his body perfectly, so I could see his face completely. "I know where I stand, but I don't know where you do." I blinked a few times, not understanding. And he continued. "I, in fact have feelings for you, I don't know very well, but that's just the excitement about it. Because I get to know you better and learn about you." Jay lost his gaze on me, and looked down. "I'll be honest with you, and I'll always try to be honest with you, there's a lot I don't want you to know about me, things that could put you in danger. Things I want to protect you from." He looked back up at me, our eyes locking.

I opened my mouth to speak but Jay beat me to it. "I can fully understand if this scares you and you don't want to be with me like that." He finished.

It was a lot to take in. He protective, and that's hot. And this obviously has to mean he's part of The Group. But then again, I could be wrong. He thinks I'm afraid, Avery Wilson fears nothing. Except spiders, snakes, clowns, things like that. But that's about it.

"No, I'm not scared. Jay, I want to be with you." I didn't look away from him.

We both stayed silent for a moment.

I had an uncontrollable urge to kiss him, so I did. One hand on the side of his face. The second kiss was almost as perfect as the first one. I released first this time.

"So is it a yes?" He asks me.

I give him a questioning look. "Yes for what?"

"To be my girlfriend?" He grins.

"Yes, it's a definite yes." I smile shyly.

After an hour of cuddling and talking about each other's past, Jay decided to go. I learned he grew up in London, but then lost his parents in a car crash when he was ten. His aunt lived in the US so he was flown to live with her. Jay mentioned nothing about The Group however. Part of me really wanted to ask, but I decided to save if for a different time. When he left I called Chantel to give her the news about me and Jay.

"OH MY GOD! AVERY I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" She yelled through the phone. "I need all details about your night tomorrow! You understand?" She demanded.

"Yes, I understand." With that,we hung up. And I took a long shower and went to bed. With the simple memories Jay gave me today.

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