Chapter Three: Memories

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Avery's POV

I almost sped home, dropped everything off, bolted out back the door, and drove back to the school. Jay knows, but how? Chantel and I never said a word! We were inaudible at least.

He was standing in front of the steps when I arrived, and I made my way towards him.

"Come on. We don't have much time." Jay grabs my wrist tightly.

"Ow! Jay stop! That hurts!" I shout.

"Sorry, forgot what I was doing." He doesn't look at me. And we soon pass the school, beginning to enter a fairly large number of trees.

This will lead us to the lake. I know it. Please no.

My steps are staggered and off balance as Jay basically drags me around. I start to try to unlock his hand from my wrist. I reach for it, and it's literally frozen. Ice cold. Startled, I jump a little inside. The tress whip by me faster than normal. I almost trip over branches at least a thousand times. I'm so caught up in trying not to actually fall down, that I don't notice Jay let go of me and I stumble a few steps ahead.

When I looked up what I see is the lake. My heart bangs against my chest, I feel overly hot, and I'm breathing heavier and faster than normal.

The lake doesn't look like a lake at all, it's green on the top. Moss is everywhere. Everywhere's. I can't describe the foul smell that enters my nose.

My head feels dizzy, every memory of me and Jake begins to flow in front of my eyes. Good and bad. Us kissing, hugging, cuddling, smiling, laughing, screaming, fighting, and crying. Everything we did together is all coming back. After months of forgetting and locking it all away, I see it all. And I hate it.

Tears dwell in my eyes and I fall to my knees with a scream. Guilt, agonizing pain, and regret fills my body. Floods of tears fall down my face as I begin to hyperventilate.

"Jake, I-I'm so s-sorry." The words barely escape my mouth.

A cold pair of strong arms are wrapped around me. I cry harder.

"Shhh, it's okay." The beautiful voice of Jay, calmed me.

I shut my eyes tight, hoping the images would leave. But now I could fully hear him. Jake. Laughing, talking, singing even. I throw my hands up to my ears and scream at the top of my lungs.


Jay flips my body around, he is now sitting on his bum and pulls me into his chest. Rocking me back and forth, trying to calm me down.

My mind was exploding with scenes from the past. Since then the day of Jakes funeral I haven't cried once about him, or even thought about everything that had happened between us.

After sitting in the position Jay and I were in for about five minutes, I still wasn't calmed down. He picked me up bridal style without effort, and carried me back to field about 50 feet from the school.

We weren't in the area of the lake nor on school grounds. He sat us down again and continued to cradle me. I felt like I could breath again.

"Why... why do you take me there?" I croaked.

There was a long silence. "No one could hear us. I didn't know you'd get to upset about being there. I'm so sorry for putting you through that." Jays tone was sincere.

"It was Jake." I decided to tell him what happened. "My ex boyfriend, was drowned there last year. The last time I was there, was when his mom called me saying they found him at the lake. I thought she meant he was alive but I was wrong. When I arrived they were just rolling the covered body into the ambulance."

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