Chapter Eight: Burning

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Jay's POV

I can only sense Julian up in a cave. I'm probably going to be the reason Garret kills him if he finds out what he's doing... If he even has Avery with him for that matter. Then Garret will kill me for falling in love with Avery. Then he'll kill Avery.


That'll never happen. He will never ever lay a hand on her. Not if I have anything to do with it.

Garret is going crazy knowing that The Keeper Of Light is around this area however. He believes he's trapped her with that stupid necklace.

"Anything men!?" Garret yells for the hundredth time at the guards.

"No sir." They all reply at the same time.

"Well, half of you, check the other side of the mountain and the forest area. I want this place cleared of any light formations." His devilish laughs comes with his speech.

I roll my eyes and rest my back against a large tree. My eyes gaze into the cave, wondering how I can keep Avery out of danger at this point, wherever she is.


Avery's POV

"Okay, this looks good!" I exclaim. Examining Julian's mole hill sized pile of leaves, twigs and dirt from the inside of the cave.

"How is this going to work again?" He asks me.

"There's paintings on the wall, I'm not sure what their made of though. I'm hoping their flammable. You spread the dirt and leaf shavings around the cave right?" I sit on my knees.

"What paintings? And yes I did." His face says curiosity all over it.

I stand up happily and walk towards the wall, pull out my phone to shine a light so he could see better. "These."

Their in red and black ink, crazy symbols and signs. Julian then pulls out his phone and takes a few pictures of them.

"What's that for?" I put my phone away and say back down in front of the pile.

"They might mean something. Anyways, let's go over the plan once more." He walks towards me.

"Okay, as soon as I light this pile, you run. Because then it'll be spreading everywhere. You climb up the mountains not down. And Julian," I look at him dead in the eyes. "Whatever happens, don't stop climbing."

He blinks then nods a few times.

"Ready?" I ask. Julian nods again.

He walks over towards the entrance of the cave. I hold out my hands and automatically there's flames shooting out from my palms. I place them down to the hill. To my surprise, the fire continues further than I had anticipated. There's small sections of lines that lead around the cave, their leaves, twigs and dirt, plus some gasoline from Julian's lighter. I stop the fire from my hands, and it's spreading a hell of a lot faster than I thought fire could.

I look up, and Julian's still standing where in the entrance. The flames reach the walls of the cave and climb up.

They are flammable.

"Julian, RUN!" I yell out to him.

I feel the fire beginning to surround me, just as I was a few hours ago when Jay told me to run. The flames basically engulf me, let alone the smoke it's producing.

"Jay, will kill me if I leave you here. Avery you'll die!" Julian is barely audible.

The flames grow higher, so high, that I can't see Julian anymore. "GO." I shout continuously at him. I look around me, there's fire everywhere, even right in front of me. I take a few steps back, but it's no use. Everywhere I look, there's fire.


Jays POV

"LOOK. THERES SOMEONE UP THERE. THE MOUNTAIN, SOMEONES CLIMBING!" One of the men shout in a low panicked voice.

It's Julian. Oh my god, what is he thinking. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows it's him as well. Then again, no ones really taking notice towards who is climbing the mountain.

Where's Avery? The thought is banging at my brain. He wouldn't have killed her? But he did find her, right?

"Jay, let's go." I look up to Garret, holding a large sword in his hand.

"What's that for?" I follow up to him.

"Cutting her heart out of course. It's the only way to officially kill her." He walks faster.

Nerves overcome me. Does he really think she's up there? Well none of us know if she is even up there. The nerves are hitting my painfully and are slowing me down as I walk.

"Dude, hurry the hell up!" Garret calls out at me. I look up and he's quite a few feet off the ground.

But what also catches my eye, is the flames that is shooting from the entrance of the cave. A wide grin forms on my mouth.

She's alive.

Or she's burning to death.

And now that, that thought is in my head I bolt to and up the mountain, faster than Garret.


Hey! Merry Christmas Eve everyone!

Sorry it's been FOREVER since I've updated! I'll be updating a lot sooner now though! :)

Hope you have an amazing holiday with your family :)


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