Chapter Seven: The Cave

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Avery's POV

Julian and I have been climbing for at least fifteen minutes and the first cave has been spotted. My hands are bleeding from the thin slices of rock I've been holding on to. We reach the cave. You can barely seen it whilst climbing because it's literally inside the mountain. Julian makes it up first.

"Grab my hand." He hold out his hand and I take it as he pulls me up.

I lay back on the cold rock. "Please tell me were done."

He laughs. "As long as Garret can't sense you or see us, were fine."

I sigh in relief. But it's not over yet, how long will we have to stay up here? How are we even going to get down. Scenarios of us trying to to get down off the mountain run through my head and it frightens me. I sit up and shake my head a few times, trying to think of something else. Lexi.

"Oh my god. What time is it!" I pull my phone out from my from jean pocket.

It's 1:45. Lexi gets out of school at 3:00

"Julian, I have to be back in town before three o'clock. Is that possible?" I begin to panic.

"It depends, I mean it Garret decided to guard the area here, there's no way of us maybe even getting down." He doesn't look at me.

I'm about to say something, but someone shoves me down back first to the cement feeling rock. The wind is knocked out of me and I can't seem to breath.

"Get down." A hard whisper tells me. I look over and it's just Julian. He's laying down as well. "Their here."

He closes his eyes and his lips tighten together. "Garret, Jay, their all down there." Julian's nose scrunches. "They've noticed I am no longer with them."

"You can hear them?" I interrupt.

He opens his eyes and turns he face towards me. "Of course I can. All vampires can hear what humans cannot."

Julian returns to his original position and begins to listen. "He's going to guard the area. Garret can sense the light. Your light."

"So were going to be stuck here then?" I roll my eyes.

"Indeed, we are." Julian chuckles to himself.

I can't pick up Lexi from school now, I pull out my phone from my pocket and dial Chantel's number. She answered almost immediately.

"Where the hell are you?" She asked sternly.

"I can't explain right now. I need you to pick up Lexi from school, then take her back go my house. Stay there with her until I get home okay? Please." I plead.

"Avery where are you?" Her voice was gentle now.

"To be honest, I don't know."

"Do I need to call the cops!?" Panic rose in her voice.

"No!! Just, don't worry about me. Get Lexi home safely. I'll come back as soon as I can." And with that, I hung up.

My breaths were deep and heavy. I needed to get out of here somehow, without Garret seeing who I am.

An hour passed by, the bottom of the mountain was crawling with guards. And to make it more scary, vampire guards.

I managed to belly crawl my way deeper into the cave so I could actually stand up. Little rocks and dirt covered the floor. The darkness crept around me as I got further into the cave. But there was still that glimmer of light that helped me see my surroundings. I look over to my right and it see small dead twigs, then to my left, are a few dried leaves. Probably the wind blew them in here.

Then an idea came to me.

"Julian," I harshly whispered. He was still laying in the same position. "I have a plan. But I need you to come over here. "

He didn't take any second thoughts and in a instant he was standing from of me. "What is it?" Julian folded his arms.

"What is the sun made of?" I asked.

"The sun is a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas." Julian's head cocked to the side.

"And sometimes, what can that create?" I hinted.


I rolled my eyes at him. "No! Well actually yes. But fire Julian! If I'm the Keeper Of Light, Jay said I could connect with the sun, and I can create fire."

He wasn't catching on.

"If I can create a big enough fire in here, the smoke will be too much to Garret to find us."

"Yeah, then well die in here Avery! Burned alive!" His words came out harsh. "Just like....... just like...." He stopped.

"Oh my god." It hit me like a metal door. "Your Lilly's brother, aren't you? I seen you at her funeral."

He nodded ever so slightly. "It's my fault."

"No, it was a mistake. Don't say that." I set my hand on his rock cold shoulder.

"It wasn't. It's a curse. A curse that I agreed too. A curse that needed a strong enough vampire to put into power. A curse that...." Tears began to slowly fall from his eyes. "that... kills your dearest loved one, so it can continue on. But I found that out the hard way."

He continued. "She never knew me. Not until a few months before her death. I was fourteen was she was born. And at age fifteen I was turned into a vampire. Forced to leave her so my father could beat the shit out of her. Everyday. He never cared anyways. Didn't even know I left."

He killed Jake and Sarah. Not entirely. But it's a curse? I think to myself.

"I'm so sorry." I spoke softly, and wrapped my arms around his torso. Giving him comfort. He rest his chin on the top of my head for a moment.

"Now, what was the rest of that plan of yours?"


Been a while since I updated I think haha. So thank you for reading again :)


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