im dyinh-- nevermind im not dying anymore

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so I have a project in AP Psych that I've been working on all week and I finally finished it but I have to present tomorrow and I'm fucking terrified bc my teacher is nice but intimidating and I don't know anyone in that class and I hate presenting as is so basically I'm dying. I don't really know how I'm gonna make it through but ill do my best.



I didn't die. It was alright in the end, even though my nerves were through the fucking roof, but I made it through and got s good grade!! I also went to the school football game last night bc I love the pregame hype, but I got some anxiety later on when my adrenaline wore off bc of being surrounded by a bunch of screaming teenagers :( but all is well,, I'm working on some new characters and plots and shit and I have so many ideas and so much art and ahhhh I'll share some with you guys once I can,, I think I'm gonna try and put more art in with my stories (mainly the oneshots) what do you guys think??

so my older brother is moving out and he's almost done getting all his stuff over to his apartment and I'm really fucking sad and I just want him to stay with me. He's been like my best fucking friend since I was a little kid and I'm gonna miss him so much.

Since school is started up I have to deal with even more people constantly misgendering me. I've gotten pretty much everyone to call me Luke instead of my birth name, but hardly anyone actually uses the right pronouns. Being surrounded by it all day five days a week is really stressful and gives me lots of dysphoria that I REALLY don't need in my life. Oh well, I'm trying to correct people, and those who support me are really helpful. Im just lucky that I haven't really gotten much shit for being trans yet, so that's pretty awesome.

Anyways, I hope you guys are doing alright,, I don't really have much else to say, so I guess this is goodbye for right now. Have an awesome day!!

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