an art thingy

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hey pals,, so for the past few weeks I've been working on a comic book style series of illustrations based on Stomachaches!! each song has its own little comic sort of thing and they're all grouped together like chapters in a comic book!! so I originally had this idea bc I wanted to give one to Frank if he ever went on tour again (which we recently found out he is) but my mom keeps saying she won't drive me bc the Atlanta show (the one closest to me) is on a school night, though im still working on convincing her.

anyways, I was wondering if any of you lovelies would like to buy one when I'm done?? I'll get them printed professionally so that they'll be nice and look like an actual comic!! I was thinking you could either order individual songs or the whole volume (album)!! I'll let you know about prices once I get closer to being done, but I just wanted to know beforehand if you guys would like me to sell them

so yeah, thats my update,, I'll post some previews and shit and keep updating you guys as it comes along, and hopefully I'll have prices soon!! love ya


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