fuck u mom

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I literally wrote a five paragraph essay (with a fully developed thesis) as to why my mom should take me to see Frank Iero and all she said was "I'm not talking about this right now" which basically translates to "I don't care about your reasoning or you feelings so shut up and leave me alone" and I'm just really sad and pissed and I don't wanna seem like a whiny baby for complaining about not being able to go but I just REALLY want to see him live because he and his music mean so much to me I'm literally CRYING right now I'm so pathetic wow

anyways, to fulfill my petty wishes, comment >>HERE<< if you think I should be allowed to go (her reasoning is that it's on a school night and I went last year which makes no sense?? also bc last year was on a school night and we made it to atlanta and back in the same night just fine and I was able to go to school the next day so fuck u mom)

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