Chapter: II Scavenge

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Addison went to bed earlier than usual to prepare himself for a early morning supply run so we skipped our game today. He frequently does this to have more energy for hours and hours of scavenging for anything usable. I should be inclined to do the same and I will when Courtney and I finish watching the sunset.

Courtney turned towards me breaking the silence "Did you ever finish that book I gave you?"

"Hamlet?" I asked. "Not yet."

"But it was good right?" She asked in glee.

"Oh yeah it was good."

"I love reading! It's my escape."

I looked at her in concern. "How is your anxiety?"

She leaned her head to the side so my shoulder could support her. "It's more like psychological trauma."

"I'm sorry." I tried to be as supportive as possible while still having a opportunity to help her in my opinion so I was at a loss for what to say. I wanted to help her but I never could.  "Is it getting better?" I asked.

Her eyes closed. "No but I have to be strong for Tom. He's all I have left."

Tom is her little twelve year old brother who is the only known family to her left. He never leaves the house anymore and hardly talks to anyone, that sounds almost like me right? We have similar traits to each other too bad he never comes out of his room. Courtney delivers all his meals to him by his door. I don't remember the last time I even saw him. 

I told her that I was here for her with whatever you needed. She reached down for my hand with anxious anticipation. I accepted and let her wrap her fingers within mine. I'm not this kind of person. I don't do these sort of gestures. I'm not even someone who likes to be touched but she brings it out of me so I'll accept it from her.

Addison managed to get me out of bed at eight AM today. Someone better remind me not to kill him for that later because there will be a probability I might end up doing it and then stuck feeling dreadful about it later. Okay maybe I'm being over dramatic? 

Before I could get out the door right behind Addison who looked like he was over prepared for collecting with his maroon survival backpack, black fanny pack attached to his waist and a shopping cart that looks like will slow us down. Courtney grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I turn to her to ask her what she was doing.

She wrapped her arms around my back unexpectedly to give me a hug. "Just don't die on me okay?!"

"I promise. Can you let go of me now?" I normally get a little irritated but she's growing on me. I actually found myself enjoying her warm, kindhearted presence but I tried to hide it for various reasons. If she knows I like it she's going to feel entitled to do it all the time.

Addison smiled. "Aw, that's sweet."

Courtney let go of me and we walked to our ford truck. I took out my keys, unlocked the door and got in. Addison did the same. I put a tape in the truck radio to listen to some music while Addison did the driving.

Addison asked me curiously. "Is it really safe to be blasting your music?"

I tapped my finger on my knee matching the beat of the song. "We're all going to die sometime."

Addison turned down the radio then turned his head back to the road. "It's no worries just keep it at a lower volume?"

"Whatever you say boss." 

 "Do you still believe there is hope?"

"Hope for what?" I asked still tapping my finger to the song.

"You know all of this?" His tone was softer then typically expected when we talk normally. I'm wondering why he's opening up to me after all this time of surviving together. I'm going to have to tell him my honest answer that there is no hope if he expects everything to go back to normal before all this, especially this far in with most of the population dead, or a walking corpse. 

Anyone else who is still fortunate enough to be alive is driven mad mentally meaning preventing average perception due to all the agonizing trauma mentally or physically they have lived through at this point, turned cruel and desensitized from a similar situation or lastly lucky.

I have to wonder how he can even hold out for it? Does he even mean anything he says or is he sprouting nonsense at the wind in hopes I'll say I believe there's a chance so it may whither away his doubt? How can he not accept what is in front of him that people are being reanimated, rising from death. A shell of what they once were when they had a life. LOVED ones who only come back to feast on you and the worst part is having to to put them down.

"The apocalypse?" I asked.

"Well, yes."

"Civilization returning right?"

I noticed he raised his eyebrow. "Somewhat." 

 I replied. "It's never going to happen."

"Well you never know."

We finally reached our destination, our hopes were to find resources.. ANYTHING that will be of some help whether it's a single bullet lying around or a glass bottle. I realize we're not striking gold with either of the two but even the smallest of items could serve as a solution to our problem. Addison comes out here in the city so early in the day to take his time and look in every possible area but I find that to be problematic. In my eyes it's important to get the job done quick and smoothly so we can leave as we came. 

Addison does this more than I do and every time he comes back with his head still attached and almost all his limbs.. I say almost because he actually has two fingers on his left hand missing which he lost before the outbreak even began. It was his pinkie and ring finger.

The utterly gloomy, disfigured, clutter of a downtown I found myself walking in. So many cars left around that were destroyed, damage, or spray painted on. Broken glass and dead bodies the state fair floral building was completely ruined, the bridal bouquet looked like a tornado hit it, our small club we have here has collapsed but it would of fell down anyway. The buildings here in this part of town are incredibly old. It's known for being historic.

It's as good as place as any to start looking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2016 ⏰

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