02 | trust us on this one

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trust us on this one


Cara's aunt and cousin had gotten occupied by meeting Tony, whom the latter was rather starstruck by seeing. So with a grin, she left the three of them to get to know each other, though Tony didn't look too thrilled about it, as he'd given her a cold stare before she left.

The moment she was out of the living room, Steve bombarded her with questions about how it was, and what happened, to which she only smirked. "Oh, please, Gramps," she teased him, "I think we both know you were listening in on the whole thing."

He blushed. "Yeah, sorry. But in my defense," he held up a finger, "you weren't being very quiet."

She grinned, giggling. "You're adorable, Steven," she said, and reached up to plant a kiss square on his lips.

"You guys, you do know that I'm--sorry, we're--still here, right?" Nat drawled smoothly, crossing her arms. "I'd appreciate it if you kept those happenings strictly for the bedroom."

Cara rolled her eyes. "Aw, Nat, is PDA a little too much for you?"

"It is when you're sucking each other's faces off," she scowled.

While Steve blushed deeper, Cara shot back, "That didn't even count!" She stuck her tongue out at the redhead, ignoring the fact that it may have been childish, and was pulled away by Steve, who'd barely managed to compose himself after being embarrassed by Nat.

Cara allowed herself to be dragged down the hallway away from Nat, Clint, and Bruce, and grinned wickedly as she noticed he was taking her to his bedroom. "Taking Nat's advice, are we?"

He shook his head, a small grin on his face, radiating amusement. "Do you want me to?" He smirked.

Cara squeezed his hand, pulling him closer to her so their chests were flush against each other. She lifted her chin, placing her palm against his cheek, and let herself fall completely into him, loving the sweet feeling of having his lips against hers. He moved her confidently from the entrance of his bedroom to sit on his bed after closing the door.

Cara's bottom lip got caught between both of his, and she let out a small gasp as he ran his tongue along it. With her small bit of surprise, Steve took advantage of it, now able to swirl their two tongues together in a deepened kiss.

A kiss that should've been like all of their other kisses, the ones that were chaste and quick, the ones that were savory and slow. But this one was different. She didn't know where he was getting it from, but he was desperate as he captured her lips, laying back so she was on top of him, her knees straddling his hips.

She pulled away, out of breath. "Now what was that for?" She smirked, her lips plump and swollen.

"You're amazing," he breathed, finding a spot right underneath her ear that made her pulse race when his lips brushed a feather-light kiss against it. "Absolutely amazing." His breath was hot against her skin, and she let out a shaky breath, unable to comprehend just how he was able to make her lose control like this. It had been less than a week since their first kiss, but it was like they already knew everything about each other.

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