s e v e n t e e n / way ahead of you

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s e v e n t e e n / way ahead of you

s e v e n t e e n / way ahead of you

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The floor's disgusting.

That was Cara's first thought as she felt consciousness seeping back into her veins, allowing her to open her eyes in narrow slits, the bright, humming lights shooting black dots into her vision and causing her head to pound. Her hands were pressed to the ground in front of her, holding herself up from the grime-covered concrete.

Her second thought was Wanda.

Where's Wanda, where'd she go?

I'm here, spoke a voice inside her head, and the wave of relief that hit her was so strong that she collapsed back onto the floor, letting out a shaky breath.

Wanda was in her mind, she was hearing every thought. It told Cara that in this strange, desolate place, she wasn't really alone.

But looking at her surroundings, she may as well have been completely alone in the whole world.

The space she was occupying held nothing but a barren bench, made of the same hard, gray substance. It didn't even count as a cot, as it clearly didn't have any give to it. Other than that, the small, stuffy room was windowless, the only peek out of her imprisonment being from the barred door behind her that displayed a round room of about ten more cells like hers, all with the same doors.

Cara used her hands to push herself to her knees, where, after regaining her balance from a sudden swirl of the room, she stood up on her feet. Using the wall to keep herself from falling over, she stumbled to the door, grasping the rusted bars with her sore hands.

And, as she looked out across from her, another wave of relief washed over her as she recognized the face of Wanda staring back out at her, a concentrated look on her face.

Don't talk out loud, she said into Cara's mind. They could be listening at any moment. It's too dangerous to say anything while in here.

Then what are we supposed to do? Cara thought, discouraged. How are we going to get back to the others if we're stuck in here?

Do not worry, came Wanda's voice again, having obviously read her thoughts. If I can communicate with you, then why wouldn't I be able to communicate with anyone else? We will get out of this place, Cara, I promise you that.

Cara's hopelessness stopped fluttering, and she felt a sliver better about their situation. Wanda would be able to get to Steve, or Tony, or someone, and they'd come for them. They wouldn't be in here forever.

Except, for the time being, she had no idea where they were, what to do, or how to deal with it.

So she plopped herself down onto the bench, ignoring its uncomfortable structure, and took a few deep breaths. She had to think. While they were here, they couldn't just comply to whatever Skull wanted them to do, right? They had to be strong.

I agree.

Dammit, she sucked in a sharp breath as Wanda spoke again in her head. Get out of my head, will you? She thought.

Glancing over at her friend, she saw an amused grin on her face, but watched gratefully as Wanda nodded, and retreated back to her own bench, laying down on it.

Feeling completely alone now(in a good way), Cara brought her thoughts back to the idea of what to do during their imprisonment. Looking at the poor quality of the bars on the door, she suspected that if Wanda could get into her head, that meant she still had her powers. Which then meant that she could probably move the bars with her mind, creating a hole large enough for them to climb through and at least try to find somethings about Skull that could be crucial for defeating them.

Way ahead of you, came Wanda's voice again, and Cara was about to scold her for invading her personal thoughts, but held her tongue as she saw--and heard--the bars of her cell door being bent, pushed away from each other.

She climbed through, waiting for Wanda to do the same to her own door. When they both were free from their cells, Wanda beckoned her over to one of the doors that was practically built into the wall, different from the cells doors. Obviously, it led into the other parts of the facility they were in.

Cara wasn't even considering the fact that they could have been caught at any moment. Fifteen minutes locked up had been more than enough for her, and she was ready to get the hell out of there. So, following her friend's lead, Cara kept her eyes peeled for any exit.

The teenager wasn't too surprised to find nothing. All that was there were the too-smooth, concrete walls on either side of them, leading the two girls to nowhere.

Except for this time, when they took another turn, they took a turn straight into a crowd of men and women, clad in all black, staring at a dark, long-haired figure only a few feet directly in front of Cara.

Panic gripped her, but she couldn't stop herself from staring at the figure that had ducked his head when they'd appeared.

Long, dark brown strands of hair fell in front of his face, and his arms were held tensely against his sides. His hands were clenched into fists, and Cara looked warily for the metal arm that she'd been told about. Sure enough, in all its silver glory, it was there, staring at her like she was the only person in the room, grabbing her attention.

As several Skull agents raced at Wanda and Cara, the man with the metal arm lifted his head and caught her eyes.

His features were sharp, gaunt, and his eyes were the brightest blue she'd ever seen in her life, yet they were also the most haunted she'd ever seen.

It was all she saw before her vision was covered with a rough hand, and she was shoved in a hundred different directions, so many times that it caused her to loose track of which way was up. When the hand had removed itself from her eyes, she looked up, and found that she and Wanda had been led back to a cell.

But not just any cell.

This one was pristine, no sign of being in the same building as the dirty ones they'd been in. It had glass walls, but she could tell that they weren't going to be easily shattered.

This cell was a stronger one, much more impenetrable one, and there was no chance they'd ever get out again. Not unless Steve and the others somehow, miraculously, came and saved them.

[wooooo, a chapter in less than a day!]

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