t w e n t y / don't expect me to bow or anything

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t w e n t y / don't expect me to bow or anything

"Okay, so let me get this straight," Tony held out a hand, squinting the light away from his eyes, fatigue still present in every one of his movements

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"Okay, so let me get this straight," Tony held out a hand, squinting the light away from his eyes, fatigue still present in every one of his movements. "You had a dream of you and Cara doing the dirt--"

"I never said that," Steve defended himself, though his cheeks burned with guilt in front of his friends, betraying his words. 

"--and then Wanda was a massive cockblock--"

"Watch your language, Stark," Pietro spat, disgusted, "especially when it's about my sister."

"--and told you that we can find them in the middle of the ocean?"

Steve nodded, "I know how it sounds."

"No, I don't think you do," Bruce put in, "you're asking us to go on practically nothing and fly out to the middle of the ocean, which I may add, is an insurmountable body of water, and what, conduct a faultless rescue mission?" He shook his head and crossed his arms disbelievingly. "Sorry, man, but that just doesn't seem possible."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Mission Impossible was obviously not on the menu for movie night," he sighed exasperatedly, "and I thought that that was where you guys got all of your guts and glory."

"Mission Impossible?" Steve scrunched his nose, confused. 

His friend shook his head, disappointed at the lack of movie intelligence in the group. "Never mind," he whined, "we'll watch it some other time, when we're not hunting down a ninety-seven-year-old assassin and two damsels in distress."

Pietro's eyes met Sam's in the coldest glare anyone had ever seen.

"Bucky is not an assassin, he wasn't himself," Steve jumped in to defend his lifelong friend, anger prickling at his insides, and then he added, "and neither of those girls are even close to damsels in distress, so cut the crap and help me find them."

"But what about Bucky?" Nat asked, rubbing her eyes clear of the grogginess. "I mean, we still need to keep track of that mission, right? I say we split up, half and half, while you guys go find the girls, we'll find Bucky--or at least, search for Bucky."

The room was silent for a bit, and then Pietro spoke. "I am not against the idea," he said, "my sister called for help, and I intend on getting her home. But the redhead is right: we cannot halt the search for your friend, we must keep going, and get to him before Skull does."

"Who knows," Clint said, staring forward blankly, "they could already have him." He glanced up apologetically at Steve. "Sorry, Cap."

Steve's heart had sunk at his words, but he nodded stiffly, murmuring a "S'alright." He lifted his head to meet Natasha's eyes. "You're right. I wish I could be there to look for Buck, but I know that Wanda and Cara are in need of our help."

Pietro stood up. "Then it is settled. I will go with you to find my sister."

As Steve nodded, Sam and Scott both stepped forward. "Don't leave us to hang-dry," Sam joked good-heartedly, clapping his friend on the shoulder. 

Scott shrugged. "A rescue mission seems fun."

Confident in his friends, Steve nodded. "Alright, gear up."

"Hold up, America's sweetheart," Tony held up a hand. "You should bring Thor with you. I mean, you'd have a god with you, how much safer can you be, right?"

Steve rolled his eyes playfully. "I know you love me, Stark, but someday you're going to stop trying to protect me and let me do my thing."

Before the billionaire could reply, Thor swung his hammer in his hand, his biceps flexing, ripples appearing in his arms. "I could not agree more," he said proudly, "I will keep you safe."

"I've never been treated more like an insolent child than I am right now," Sam grumbled, but Steve shook his head, grinning.

"You'll get used to it."


Tony had become the self-appointed leader of the group that was going to search for Bucky, but seeing as no one disapproved, he just kept the position gladly. It was in his blood to be a leader, and it was a good change from always following the orders of the man in tights. 

Not that he minded, of course. Steve was a natural born leader, as well, and even though they had their quarrels, they were family, and some of the only family either of them had left. 

When Tony, a determined Nat, confident Clint, reasonable Bruce, and unsure Peter set out in one of the helicopters, they were all thinking about Steve and the others. It wasn't a far-fetched guess, it was obvious as each person glanced around the room. Separated from their friends, the possibility of someone else being taken was higher because of the decreased protection. 

No matter, Tony thought to himself in order to comfort himself, we'll be fine. They'll be back before we know it. 

But as he took another look around the cockpit of the helicopter at his companions, he could tell that they were still doubtful. And they had the perfect right to be; Steve had said that they were traveling out to the middle of the ocean where an island was supposed to be, according to Wanda, who was thousands of miles away, locked up in a Skull facility.

The helicopter ride wasn't long; over the time that Wanda and Cara had been taken, a Plan B had been formed, which included retracing the Winter Soldier's steps from the days before Steve had gotten through to him, and Bucky was still a servant to Hydra. So they traveled back to Washington, D.C., where they'd gone to find Sam. At the time, none of them had thought of the possibility of Bucky hiding out there, right under their noses. 

As they landed in a field far from public view, they stepped out into the open air and looked around. 

"Alright-y, then," Clint cleared his throat, swing his bow onto his shoulder, "let's go find an old guy."

The trek was a long one, starting from the field and coming up to a series of buildings, ending up to be a strip mall near the Washington Monument. Sam, nostalgia creeping up, had begun to talk about the first time he'd met Steve, but Nat couldn't stand more than two minutes of it.

"If you love Steve so much, why don't you just tell him?" she sneered cruelly. "For God's sake, Wilson, get a grip."

Sam scowled, but stopped talking. The rest of the walk was silent, until they heard footsteps on a nearby roof, and a small muttering.

"Jesus Christ," Peter said softly, "what's that?"

"Shh," Tony held up a finger to his lips, and motioned to the group to climb the fire escape, seeing as he didn't have his suit on in order to fit in with any citizens they could have passed. 

The team, still unsure of what was up there, obediently climbed the fire escape and quickly landed on the roof, scanning their surroundings. There, standing right in front of them, was a man in a black cat suit, claws protruding from the fingers. 

Tony seemed to know the stranger. "Well, don't expect me bow or anything, your Majesty," he crossed his arms.

The man ignored his remark, just reached up and peeled off his mask, revealing his dark face, a short, cropped haircut curling slightly on his head. And in an African accent, he spoke.

"I am looking for the man who used to be the Winter Soldier."

"Well I'll be damned," Clint smirked, "so are we."

sorry if this was boring in anyway but I just had to introduce t'challa finally bc he's in the face claims but i hadn't put him in there yet so 

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