03 | tweedle dee and tweedle dum

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tweedle dee and tweedle dum


Cara stepped up to greet the two newcomers. She introduced herself, and waited for their response. They looked only a few years older than her, but they were as quiet as shy children, wringing their hands together. The girl finally spoke, her accent demanding attention.

"I am Wanda," she said, and gestured to her brother, "this is Pietro."

"Hi," Cara held out her hand. "See, your names are wonderful, they really are, but ever since I moved here, I've been giving everyone...nicknames, per say. So, you know, if you'd let me, it'll be easier to identify you with one of my own creations." She grinned at them, about a million different "nicknames" swirling in her head already.

They were silent, only glanced at each other, their eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Alright," Cara said, clapping her hands together, "I'll take that as a yes." She pretended to be thinking it over, but then quickly burst out, "of course! You two are gonna be Tweedle Dee--" she pointed at Pietro "--and Tweedle Dum!" Her finger landed on Wanda next, who looked outraged.

"Excuse me?" She exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry," Steve came up behind Cara and squeezed her waist warningly. "She means well. Just come and sit down with us in the living room, you can explain exactly what's going on with you two."

The teen pretended to be offended, clapping a hand to her mouth, but fell into a fit of giggles. "Come on," she held out a hand to Wanda, "you'll get used to it."

The brunette stared at her, then glanced at her brother in question before following Cara and Steve back to the elevator that would take them back up to the living room. It was fairly notable, the way the two newcomers kept to themselves, standing as far away as they could, even though they seemed familiar with Steve. It was like they knew him, but kept away because they thought...he'd hurt them.

Or the other way around.

Cara couldn't handle the silence in the moving elevator, she just couldn't. So she mustered up the courage to talk about something. "Um, you're accents are cool." She smiled at them in a way she hoped looked friendly.

Pietro peered at her. "Thank you?" He asked in return, as if he was unsure of what to say.

Of course he doesn't know how to reply, Cara, you're so socially awkward it's not even funny anymore, she scolded herself internally. If she weren't surrounded by three people, two of them being complete strangers, she would have smacked her palm against her forehead in frustration.

But then the elevator doors were sliding open smoothly, the uncomfortable conversation over with. Cara jumped out of the vessel as if the new room were a fresh oxygen tank, breathing it in. A glance in Steve's direction told her that he was partially embarrassed by her ability to read social queues(or lack thereof), but also partially amused at the way she was fumbling over her words.

She wasn't even this nervous when Peter and her Aunt May came, which was only a few hours ago. Now that there was a set of twins in the Avengers Tower, it all went to shit.

"It's like I said," she heard Tony's voice as she entered the room, "I don't want this place to become a safe haven for random kids off the street!"

"And it's not," insisted Bruce, "let's just sit down and listen to what they have to say. They said that everyone they know is trying to kill them. Don't you want to know what that's all about?" He kept his voice calm, like he was afraid to get too worked up. Which, Cara reminded herself, he probably was, what with the whole Grinch-y alter ego.

"No, I want them to--" Tony turned to see Cara, Steve, and the twins standing only ten feet away. "Stay," he stumbled, obviously having planned on saying something else. "I want them to stay and be safe." He faked a grin, raising his glass of scotch to his lips. Cara's ridiculously good eyesight caught the way he downed the whole glass in one sip.

"Trust me, Stark," Wanda drawled in her smooth accent, "we don't want to stay here any more than you want us to. But there is nowhere for us to go. Like we said, everyone--"

"Yes, everyone you know is trying to kill you, we got that," Nat interrupted, holding her hand up. "But are you sure?"

The two siblings shared a look of something unidentifiable, and Cara squinted at them.

What, are they, like, telepathic, or something? She wondered.

Then Pietro spoke. "We are being tracked and hunted down."

"Brutal," Peter said, surprising everyone in the room. They'd forgotten that he was still here, and Cara glared at her cousin to shut up as her aunt did the same thing.

"By who?" Steve asked. "Do you know who it is?"

Another pause before Pietro said anything again. "Yes, we know who it is." His eyes met Cara's, for a split second, and then moved to Wanda, who took up the next part of the explanation.

"We were in hiding, we were beginning to live like relatively normal twins," she said, a hint of sadness laced within her words. "Then they found us." She swallowed.

"Who?" It was Peter again, with the unnecessary comments.

After a collective shh, Cara snapped, "I'm about to wring your neck, Petey, and it won't be pretty." He ducked his head, embarrassed, and mumbled an apology.

"We're being tracked down by a secret organization," Wanda said, and found a chair to sit down in.

"What, like--oh, no," Steve groaned, rubbing a hand over his face, "not again."

"They call themselves Skull," Pietro said, leaning against the back of the chair his sister currently occupied. "They shouldn't be able to hurt us, they are merely a low-profile group of terrorists that we should easily be able to take down."

"Alright then, let's go to work," Clint said, and made a step towards where his bow was. "Let's get rid of these assholes, and then you'll be able to go back to wherever you're from and live on your own. Everyone's happy again." He grinned, clearly pleased with himself.

Cara mulled this over in her head. It seemed like a reasonable idea. She didn't know how all these missions went as an Avenger, but it seemed simple enough. She was just about to agree with Clint's plan of action when Pietro said something more.

"But they won't be easy to defeat."

"And why's that?" Steve stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Because we have reason to believe that they're searching for someone."

Cara's blood ran cold. She'd heard this alias before.

"We think they're searching for someone to fight for them. They're searching for the Winter Soldier."

[Was this good, or was it a little iffy? I dunno, I just wanna know how you guys think I'm doing with this. -mae]

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