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The next morning, Jesse noticed sunlight streaming through the window and a weight on his chest. Opening his eyes slowly, it became evident that it was indeed Hanzo, and the evening came rushing back to him. Wrapping an arm around him, he let out a light chuckle. Unable to deny the fact that he was quite proud of himself, he let his eyes slip shut once again, comforted immensely by the presence of the man beside him.

Before he knew it, he felt the man began to move. Rolling over, no words were exchanged between the pair as Hanzo wrapped his arms gently around his shoulders. Slipping his own around the other mans waist, they moved closer. Nose to nose, he yet again let his eyes slip shut.

Hanzo was exhausted, and as he curled up against Jesse he felt sleep begin to tempt him again. It was sweet, he never expected himself to be fortunate enough to get this, to feel firm arms wrap around his body and hold him as if he could break at any second. Nuzzling into the crook of Jesse's shoulder, his eyes fell shut.

Lena wasn't one to think Jesse McCree would find himself love on a battlefield, but he always continued to surprise her as she burst into his room to see him in the arms of the man he'd been pining over for the entirety of his time in the military. Awkwardly, she began to shuffle away from the door but not before he began to stir, sending her quite possibly the biggest glare she'd seen in her life.

"Whatcha think yer doin' Lena?"

He asked, sitting up slowly, ignoring the muffled whine coming from the other man. Raising an eyebrow expectantly, Hanzo deadpanned. There was only one way this would end, Hanzo reckoned Lena probably knew this too. Seeing as he still had most of his clothes on, Jesse was ready to fling her back to England if the situation called for it, which he was pretty sure it would.

"I uh, I came in to remind you, about the... walking thing! Angela asked me to." She said quickly, averting her eyes from the sight before her. "But I mean you look busy so I'll just leave you be love."

Both men looked mortified, Hanzo's cheeks turning a bright red. Jesse meanwhile, was pulling himself out of bed as Lena took off down the corridor. Following after her, he quickly caught up and grabbed her by the scruff of her jacket. Marching towards the all familiar room, she began to beg him not to.

"Jesse please, don't do this to me!"

Of course, Jesse's only motive was to get them to stop their petty fight. It was one of the only times Lena would speak to him for more than a minute, whenever her girlfriend was irritated at her (which surprisingly wasn't too often) she would suddenly pick up an interest in everything. He was going to have a heart attack if he saw her sat on top of his workbench one more time, he was too old to be a surrogate parent to some kind of woman-child.

Continuing towards room 88, and rapping his knuckles against the door a surprised Amelie opened the door. Pushing Lena towards her, he let out a grunt before marching off. Pausing, he turned around and with a grin let out a single sentence.

"Ta ta now lav."

He mocked, his southern accent making the attempt even more laughable. With that, he disappeared, retiring right back to his quarters. Hanzo was pulling on his prosthesis, already virtually dressed, only lacking a shirt. Jesse froze in the doorway, eyeing the man up and down in awe of quite how perfect the man was. He could only assume he hadn't noticed his presence, his eyes roaming dangerously low.

"Jesse, I can see you. Could you please stop staring at me?"

Letting out a rough cough, he grunted in response. Heading over to the makeshift closet that rested in the corner of his room and plucking a tank top from it, he tossed it over his shoulder before hearing a satisfying 'oof' from the other man. Turning around however, he had not expected to see him wearing it. It sagged slightly, but framed his toned body perfectly. His tattoo was on full show, and as he blew a stray hair out his face Jesse let a nervous smile fall onto his face.

"Guess yer gonna be leavin' me then?"

"I was actually about to ask if you would mind coming along. I feel it would probably be adequate motivation."

"Fine by me.

He responded simply, smiling at the man. Of course, it had slipped his mind to retrieve the wheelchair they had hastily abandoned yesterday, so he let out a sigh and gestured for him to try and stand. He did so, but not before nearly falling to the ground much to Jesse's horror. Diving to catch him, yet again he found himself holding him close. But alas, with a snicker he hauled the man onto his back.

"Why this?"

"Ride a cowboy, save a horse. Ya get me?"

"Have I reminded you how much I hate you?"

"Ya love me darlin'. Don't try to deny it."

Feeling a head rest atop his, he ducked under the doorway. Whistling an old tune, he soon reached the room Hanzo was due to be having his session in. Rapping his knuckles on the door, he heard a faint 'come in' and with that strode in confidently, ducking yet again to allow Hanzo to come in. Arms around his neck loosely, he looked down nervously at Angela.

"I assume he'll be staying?"

"Guess so."

Blowing a hair out of his face, Jesse lowered him to the ground with a small grunt. Leaning against the wall, he watched as he tentatively stepped up to the bars, hands slipping around them as he steadied himself. Supportive hands held him in place, and it was a bittersweet sight to him. But watching as he pushed himself further and further, he smiled reassuringly at the man. Having gone through something similar with his arm, he could sympathise with how exhausting it was.

As he noticed him heading back, he shot an encouraging smile. Hobbling for the end, soon enough he was there. Flopping into the chair that rested at the end, he let out a hiss of pain. Looking over at Jesse, he let a small smile slip onto his face. Time slipped by, session after session it went on and on until Hanzo found himself walking. Back and forth, a beam on his face as he stood at the end, cocking his head at Jesse.

"We did it."

"Correction, ya did it. I ain't did nothin', you were the one walkin' back and forth like nobody's business."

That evening, they held each other closer. Resting his face in the crook of Jesse's neck as usual, Hanzo heard his breathing soften and let out a quiet sigh. Shuffling closer, he looked over at the cowboy.

If love means foolishness, then I am proud to be a fool.

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