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Almost as soon as Gabriel returned, Hanzo found the entire unit become more tense. People were scared of the man, hell even he was weary. He could go from innocent and doting boyfriend to a murderous being in the space of seconds, it was terrifying to see. Even Jack was becoming scared as it went further and further. And on yet another of their evening shifts, he finally opened up.

"He's not right in the head anymore. I don't know what happened to him, who did what to him, but he's not Gabe anymore."

"You cower from the man, when only mere weeks ago you were willing to take a bullet for him. It is evident that he is no longer Gabe, so why not just explain why it will not work?"

"He'd kill me. If he doesn't get his way, he kills whatever stands in his way. Don't have a doubt that he'd take me down if I didn't do what he wants. He wasn't joking, he has killed so many men from both sides that he seems to deserve the name Reaper."

"And that is why I hope we win this war. So you can have him back, instead of just a deranged killer in his body."

"It was less painful when he was further away. When I didn't have to see him. He shot a kid, right in front of me. Said he hated them and put a bullet through her head. I haven't cried out here, or at least I hadn't till I saw him do that."

The words hung in the air, and for a second Hanzo could've sworn the world stopped right then and there. The war evidently was going further than he thought, and he was relatively concerned for Jack. He wouldn't deny the fact that he'd love to kill Gabriel, if not for the fact that he was completely destroying Jack, for the fact he was jeopardizing so much. They simply couldn't afford to lose the battle, lose the war that had been going on for years upon years now.

"I can't stop loving him, no matter how much I want to. He still does things, things I miss so much. He tells me its going to be ok, but I can't believe him."

Jack whispered, and Hanzo placed a hand reassuringly on his shoulder.

"If we manage to blow up these last few bases, they will end this. They will not be able to continue if we succeed. Is there a way we can bring the strikes forward?"

"Only if we avoid securing the second point. We could force them to surrender by next week if we do that."

"Then we do that. We finish this once and for all and prevent any more deaths, whilst also freeing you from him. You can disappear easily, he cannot stop you from doing that."

Silence filled the air, and he let out a long sigh. He could only hope that he was right, and that nothing else was going to happen. Quietly, Jack retired to his quarters, Hanzo following quietly behind. The next morning was bound to be interesting, especially with the new plans.

The battlefield was oddly quiet the next morning. Hanzo hadn't heard a single explosion, only the odd yell of pain. Jack hadn't been around all morning, and the tension could easily be cut with a knife. That was of course, until he was summoned under the orders 'distract as many on the ground as you can, and don't get killed'. It seemed simple, but as soon as he headed out he heard the bullets fly past him, narrowly missing his head.

Arrows soared through the air soon after, men falling left and right as he stealthily moved past their defences. His legs never faltered, the agility they helped enhance causing him to climb walls as if he were superhuman. The bodies littered the floor. Some would call him a killer, but if they fired first it was warranted. Jumping softly to the ground, he spotted another group of men. They noticed him, and of course turned to him before beginning to pursue him. Firing a scatter arrow into the hearts of one of them, he crumpled to the ground. Looking down, he spotted a part of his leg had been blown apart. Gritting his teeth, he wrapped his hands around it and began to crawl away.

Broken Bodies, Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now