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After their confession, the pair decided to chance it. Each day was a blessing to them and whilst neither would admit to being as sentimental, they both felt it. Jesse found himself only getting more attached. At this stage, he was certain if Hanzo asked him to jump he would grit his teeth and ask how high.

As they held each other close, both lying together on Jesse's bed, Hanzo let out a sigh.

"Ya alright darlin'?"

"They are shipping me out again."

"Why didn't ya tell me?"

"I was afraid that you would cut it off."

"Ain't never gonna do that. Means too much to me."

Pulling Hanzo closer, he rested his forehead against the other mans. Sweet nothings escaped his mouth, as he gently placed kisses on his face. His cheeks became pink, and a sour expression appeared on his face but deep down he knew he enjoyed it. Scrunching his nose up, Jesse let out a light laugh that held in the air for a few seconds.

"I love ya more than anythin'. It'd take me a lifetime and a half to list all the reasons, yer so damn perfect to me."

Hanzo was pretty sure his heart stopped beating, every barrier he'd put up in a bid to avoid this smashed down. Pressing himself into Jesse's chest, he felt him rub circles against the small of his back.

"I love you."

"Love you too darlin'."

The bed felt emptier the next morning, and it didn't take long for Jesse to realise what had happened. Slamming his eyes shut, he began to hope it was just a dream. His Hanzo would be right there next to him, and they'd hold each other close until he needed to leave for his appointment or some of that training. They'd walk there together, Jesse with an arm around his waist. Some would glare, but he would always feel on top of the world.

"They are glaring at us, I do not know if I can do this."

"Darlin', they're just jealous ya have someone that loves ya as much as I do."

"I do not believe you."

"Dya trust me?"

"Of course."

"Then ya can do it. Aight? I believe in ya."

And they'd get there, Angela would just smile when she saw the pair walk in. She mentioned once she had a girlfriend like that, and the three of them had spent a while just talking about the woes of their world. But no matter what, Jesse was there every time he was needed.

Looking out the small windows of the aircraft, Hanzo felt a yearning in his chest he had never felt before. It was leaving him feeling immense regret, for all of this. For stupidly deciding to be noble all that time ago. It seemed like another world, where neither of them were broken in this way, where everything was ok and he wasn't like this.

"Good luck men, you're gonna need it."

Yelled the man before them, and that's when he knew his time had come. They threw themselves out systematically and before he knew it he was falling, flying. Pulling the cable, he spotted explosions and robots before them. Yells of anguish, screams of agony.

"If you're gonna do this, do it well. Don't y'know... die or anythin'."

"Of course. I shall not just give up and let myself die. There is more to this world than the war I shall be fighting, and I wish to see it."

The sun was beginning to set, an array of colours filling his vision. But he couldn't enjoy it, there was no reason to. He'd gone soft, there was no denying it, but alas he continued to fight this battle. Pulling out the bow he had been blessed with, he began to fire arrows. They flew through the air, gliding and knocking down the enemy before he'd even reached the floor. Tearing the pack off his back, he took off.

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