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Jack. It was him.

That was the only thought running through Hanzo's mind. Frankly he had no idea if he were dead or alive, it seemed he were stuck between heaven and hell or something. He began to scream, but it was no use, he couldn't move. Never had he felt this vulnerable, even without his legs he felt he had a chance, yet here he was.

A finger flicked first, and he felt power surge through his body. He had continued trying for hours upon hours desperately, because he needed to. There was no telling how long he was going to be here, and he had no intentions to let the other man get away with this. Even if it killed him (that was if he wasn't already dead, he wasn't entirely sure), he wasn't going to allow him to continue.

After all we did for each other, you try to murder me. How pathetic.

Jesse meanwhile was still asleep, though it was dreamless and painful it was arguably better than passing out with his arm nearly getting sliced off by one of his tools. Cheers brought him out of his slumber, and after yanking on some clothes to make himself look slight less dishevelled he found himself walking towards the briefing room. Everyone was gathered in there, the small and aged television playing mediocre footage of soldiers waving a flag. At closer inspection, he realised it was theirs. Audio played in the background, the omnics surrendering graciously as his heart skipped beats.

The war that had ravaged their country, the lives they had once lived about to return. Spotting Lena and a few others he had since befriended he slipped in next to them.

"We're free- Jesse. We're going home."

She whispered, holding his hand tight with a smile on her face that he had never seen before. Lucio and Hana were doing a similar job, holding each other close in celebration. He had never seen such unity, such absolute joy before. Even Winston and Ana were smiling, joining in.

It was never going to be an easy thing, but their years of persistence had paid off. Soldiers would be coming home soon, his heart was skipping beats as he felt a giddy smile plaster itself on his face. The celebrations continued late into the night, drinks being handed out as people found love, found peace, found hope after they'd all but given up. He all but forgot the fact Hanzo may not be coming home, deciding instead to take the optimistic route and believe he would be.

As the morning sun began to shine through the windows, it began to die down. Heading back to the room he knew so well, he virtually sauntered to the bed, his eyes only remaining open for a few seconds before darkness overtook him. His dreams were filled with nothing but memories and thoughts of the future. Because Hanzo would be back, his arms around him, holding each other like they always had.

The aircrafts began to come in the next day, men and women being reunited with families and friends, lovers and leaders alike. It was bittersweet for those that never saw the familiar faces, and Jesse took it upon himself to comfort them. Soon enough they would all be leaving, it would be a foreign feeling. After almost three years here, it would take a while to grow accustomed to the normality they used to have.

One of those that returned alone was Morrison, no expression on his face as he stepped through the doorway and began to make a beeline for the doorway. He looked far older than before, his hair greying and his eyes dimmed. He didn't notice anyone at first, but a woman began to fight through the crowd to him. Only able to watch, she grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop. Spanish escaped her lips, but as Jesse had grown close to Gabriel he could vaguely translate some of it.

"Where is Gabi?"

"Dead. Sided with the omnics. Not coming back."

Jack murmured almost monotonously, ignoring the tears that were forming in the woman's eyes.

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