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A familiar serape rested around Jesse's neck, and he let out a quiet laugh. He hadn't worn it since back in Deadlock, even then he hardly wore it. It seemed fitting though, especially in case they came across any survivors. Tracing his fingers gently up and down the body of the peacekeeper, he slipped it into his holster.

The nostalgia left him conflicted, and as he looked down to the metal arm, he tugged the corner of his serape around it. Heading out the door, he ignored the looks from Lena and Amelie, both of whom evidently hadn't seen him in over a week. Continuing onwards, he spotted Jack stood by the exit, leading onto the roof. It had been a while since the pair had fought together, hell Jesse had never even fought outside the ranges so he was almost certain he would die. But he considered it worth it should it happen.

It felt lonely, he was half expecting a reassuring squeeze or something as he stood there, waiting patiently for them to leave. The pain was still there, and he wouldn't deny the fact he was blinking back tears, but he persevered. In the end, he'd already moped around for a week, and if he didn't get out now he was probably going to stay there forever. Not that he could complain, it would be fine in his books, but he highly doubted that they'd appreciate him dying after they'd fought a whole war already. Then again, how bad could flying really be?

Twenty minutes later, and he would willingly take all that back, along with saying flying in a military helicopter at god knows what speed was absolutely terrifying. They were about to land, and he was certain he would have a heart attack. Jack sat there with a small amused grin on his face, and whilst he was glad he was enjoying his pain, he really wasn't sure it was worth it. Of course, they weren't the only ones, however they were allowed to fly along so they could minimise the death toll should they be targeting Jack next in revenge.

As they touched down, Jesse let out a breath he hadn't even realised he'd been holding, and almost threw himself onto the ground. Sure, now he was going to have to fight any remaining omnics, but it was better than the impending doom he could've faced just mere minutes before.

Line after line of men stood before them, and the sight was incredible yet terrifying to see. So many had turned out, the rescue operation was bigger than anyone ever anticipated. It was all on Jack, and as he nodded, they all split off in a frenzy. But as he traipsed after the commander, he soon noticed they were heading right to the heart of the explosions, right to where Gabe had decided murder was perfect. Many followed after them, beginning to retrieve the bodies, and it dawned on Jesse that this was why Jack wanted him to go. To get the body that they both theorised they would never get to see. As he got closer, he realised they all seemed to be getting paler and paler. Ashen skin, they looked as though they'd had the life sucked out of them.

The omnics however, seemed to have different plans. A bullet soared past Jesse's head before he could quite register what was going on, and fumbling for his peacekeeper he yanked it out. Fanning bullets like second nature, he dove to the side as another appeared. Other men joined in, firing as the opposition fell to the ground with yells of anguish. That's when he spotted it, a shadow floating around the men.

Ducking below it, he could've sworn he saw a face, felt things he was certain he had never felt before. Memories flooded his head, conversations with omnics, Jack kissing him, the letters, it only continued. This was certainly not a human, but if it wasn't human what was it?


He murmured under his breath, turning to the man.

"It's not human."

"I think it's Gabe."

"But Gabe killed himself!"

"He ain't dead yet. No idea what he did, but we ain't gonna make it out if we don't sort this."

Broken Bodies, Broken HeartsWhere stories live. Discover now