Completed work

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Patrick studied the tree house he and Ehva had built. It wasn't very large but it was nicely designed. In one corner was one bed and a few books stacked and a flashlight and knife place on top. The other far corner had another bed with a knife next to it and an empty water bottle. In the corner near the door was a chair and the other corner was a shelf with clothes and shoes.

Nathalie, Heather and Rennee all added pillows they had found at Home Sense to their three beds on the opposite wall of the door where three mattresses had been placed in a a row, only separated by 10 inches or so. The right hand corner next to the door had shelves with clothes and the left had a rocking chair they had salvaged from a house just down the road a few kilometeres.

Kiley and Emerick shoved each bed against the same wall on the left side. The right side had a box of clothes and an old copy of Hello! Canada Magazine on a small table.

Maya and Madison draped black fabric over the windows and door, inside, Maya had put up a MCR poster that was once hung in a emo teens bedroom back in Windsor. A black laced hammock took up the entire right side of the tree house and the other side was crowded with books and blankets.

Emily and Shannon put Jelsa books on the shelves, clothes in baskets and two mattresses on either side of the door. Shannon unrolled a used white shag rug in the middle and said "Perfect".

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