Head Hunting at Shoppers 1

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Madison and Maya were using needles to sew up some old potato sacks they had found. "What're those for?" Emily asked as she walked up to them. "We're using them to collect Walker heads!" Madison said. "WHAT" Emily exclaimed. "Shut up!" Maya hissed and elbowed Madison in the ribcage. "Ouch!" Madison yelped and stuck the needle in the fabric. "So you're collecting Walker heads?" Emily asked. "Yeah" Maya replied. "Okay, I want in" Emily said. 

It was night, the potato sacks were empty and thrown over Emily's shoulder. "We need to get to the fence, then we hop over and get to the Shoppers down the street" Madiosn instructed. "Alright" Maya said, grabbing her bad from Emily. She filled the bag with air and opened it. The thick, coarse material icthed Madison's fingers. They walked to the fence, stepped over and dashed down the street to the Shoppers. Emily pulled out a small sword she had stolen from the community. Emily slashed a head from a Walker taht was standing in the doorway. Emily placed it in the bag. Maya did the same to a Walker trapped in a car in the parking lot. 

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