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Ehva scurried out the back door and into the parking lot. Carly and Paige came last. Josh walked beside Ehva and Susan was right behind Ehva along with Carson and Jeff. They walked for what seemed to be a few hours until they came to the long forest line. They found a nice clearing and put some wire that Jeff had in his bag around it. The walkers would be kept out for at least the night then in the morning they would build up the camp more. They had managed to make a stick tipi for Molly (the little girl) and her mother, Margaret. Carly and Paige were controlling the fire and Susan and Carson were with Jeff and were busy collecting all the sticks they could within the camp perimeter. Josh walked up to Ehva who was sharpening sticks to use as spears. "Listen, we can't just keep running from walkers, we can't be afraid of them." Josh said. "Ehva looked up from her work. "I know, we have to fortify our camp tomorrow. And we have to kill walkers. I'm well aware. I've taken out about a dozen already." Ehva answered calmly. "Ehva, you're a good leader, but you don't know how dangerous these things can be!" Josh raised his voice. "Hush! Sound attracts them..." Ehva told him. Josh sighed and calmed down. "Tomorrow, me and you are leaving the others here while we go on a run. We can raid the superstore" Josh said. Ehva kept working and Josh walked away. Suddenly a growling sound came from the woods. Ehva looked up and looked around. Molly and Margaret went into their tipi and gripped their knives closely. Susan, Carson and Jeff climbed into the trees and glanced around. Josh saw a walker approaching and struck it in the head with his knife. The walker dropped to the ground and Josh looked at it. Ehva jogged towards him. "He may smell awful, but let's keep it. Maybe the smell will coat us and it will keep walkers away." Ehva announced. Josh hesitated before agreeing.

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