Part 16, Cont'd

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Morning arrived and 3Gun checked out of the hotel and picked his horse up from the stable

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Morning arrived and 3Gun checked out of the hotel and picked his horse up from the stable. In his saddlebag he had slipped a couple of bottles of lilac water that he lifted from the hotel bathing room. He figured if he could ride into town and gun down six men, the lifting of a couple of bottles of lilac water wasn't going to be a problem.

He checked in with the Oh Aces sheriff before leaving, receiving and confirming his assurance that there would be no trouble over the shootings. As he left town, past the saloon, 3Gun reflected on the last time he had shot anyone and recalled the shootout with Doc Vale's gang. He spurred his horse into a gallop and headed for home. Funny how that used to be his whole life, facing down gunslingers, and up to now, winning.

The ride back was eerily quiet. The Parallel Mountains looked different somehow. He remembered the strange glowing light from the previous night and, shrugging off a shiver, urged is horse on. As he rode up out of a shallow waddy he reined in abruptly, side-stepping his horse toward the body on the ground.

It was Rain. He did not know her but he recognized her as one of the prisoners, and she had two messy red holes in her chest. She also had a gun in her hand. Checking the weapon and noting it had been fired, he also studied the tracks around the area; seems there had been three maybe four horses. At least two . . . Rain and her killer's. What was strange, was there were no signs of scavengers either on the ground or in the air, and the eerie silence around Destiny made him uncomfortable.

Was this Lean, he wondered aloud? His horse just whinnied. Tossing Rain's body over the saddle, he hurried on to Busted Gulch.

As sheriff, he knew he would have to investigate, there was no option. When the Marshal came for the prisoners, he would know one was missing. When he finally reached the Gulch he went straight to the jail and carried Rain's body into the spare cell. The women all raised the roof, screaming and accusing; one even fainted. He ignored them all and left to find Unger, the undertaker, ordering a coffin for a Boot Hill burial then he went straight to the doc's. CrazyGoose was going to be okay but was still unconscious. He thanked the doc then headed for the saloon. Six Star was tied up there along with another horse he did not recognize.

He took a huge breath before entering.

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