Oh hell no! WHY?!

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Sup guys !  New chapter here yay HAHA hope you like it 😋❤️

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*mara's PoV

We pull up at school and I can see most people coming to the car so I decided to get out. I step out side and am crushed will Hugs and people saying happy birthday, I just smile and say thank you to people and push my way through them... As soon as I'm out of the group this amazing smell hits me it smells of sour apples and pine leaves.

MATE!!MATE!! MATE YOU IDIOT LOOK FOR HIM!! My wolf snow says more like demands

Don't you think I am u idiot? I bark back

I turn around in circles  trying to spot my mate out when I come to a halt,there staring right back at me was Blake Costello the future alpha of my pack and a total player bad boy .. Oh hell no!!.. WHY HIM !?! I refuse to believe HE is my mate!! So much for it going 'swimmingly' as Emma put it ...I turn around to see Emma and Annie both giving me a confused look which I reply with a shake of my head making them even more confused just stood there looking like lost puppies , I would of laughed at this but I'm to angry over my mate being a stupid.. A stupid .. Sexy, cocky , playing alpha names Blake Costello, okayyyy maybe that didn't come out as horrible as planned.

Without looking back I run leaving people whisper and stare,I run to the forest and don't stop I don't know where I'm going but I had to leave there.. What if he rejects me? Does he even want a mate? What will he think of me now?

All these questions were running through my mind that I didn't hear footsteps getting closer and deep breaths were getting heavier and that lovely smell was here .. He followed me? Why?

"Mara" his husky yet soft voice says "why did you run away from me?" He questions hurt flashing through his voice

"I-I well urm" what is wrong with me?
"Your words would help with that" he says trying to lighten the mood but I can still hear the hurt in his voice as soon as I turned around and looked him in the eyes I couldn't speak anymore well mumble since I couldn't speak before , and just like that all these problems about me being with him and all his falters were gone. And I did the most stupidest thing known to man I waked up to him and kissed him...
It was sweet and calm and for a few seconds he didn't respond, he was shocked and to be honest so was I! I was about to pull away when he snaked him arm round  my waist and kissed back with lust and passion.

I pull away to catch our breath and in sync we both pant out
And with that walk back to school hand in hand with a peaceful silence,but we both know we need to talk about this but for now I have to deal with my friends .. I look up to see them all together wide eyed staring at us .. Here I go, wish me look.


Hope you guys enjoyed it I'm working on how to be better but it takes time man 😂❤️

My mate is a annoying possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now