Telling the squad

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Mara's on the left Annie's on the right xx ^^^

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* mara's PoV

I wake up sprawled across the bed on my belly and drool coming out my mouth. I scrunch my face up in disgust before wiping my face and heading into the wardrobe and looking for a outfit.i come across two wool sweaters one black one burgundy and a leather skirt along with a burgundy skirt.
Hey Annie, wanna match? I ask her
Clothes. I've got these clothes that match we could be twins! Wanna match?! I explain
OMG YASSS gurl, and remember we're telling everyone that were pregnant today when the boys get back...
Urg I know, I'm so nervous I mean what if Blake doesn't want it..
"Oh hush corse he will if he doesn't I will chop his ball off and make him chock on them, and I'm sure Emma and Chloe and Scott also hunter will help, we all care about you but us will literally kill him. She explains making my chuckle, just then the door bursts open and Annie comes charging into my closet gasping when she sees the clothes,
"You were right we will match so good, I think you and your white hair and, currently baby blue eyes will suit the burgundy top and leather skirt, plus that leather skirt  is to short for me" she says I nod
"Good because I wanted that one!" I giggle my sister comes through the door happily
"Hallo darlings I'm just here saying me and my family are leaving tomorrow, we've booked our plane already, and I've done everything.. You know caught up and even reunited with our long lost brother" she laughs a little I nod hugging her
"You know you seem different, more cute and cuddly also your scent is just so fresh and.. New? I don't know but it's nice"she explains my eyes widen slightly
"Oh erm well I'm just happy and bitch I've always been cute!" I explain she laughs before saying "whatever" and leaving.

*~*~*~*~*~*~* many hours later.

It's currently 5pm and me and Annie have been In my room all day, except food we went and grabbed it before running back upstairs, because we don't want anyone else smelling our scent change or seeing anything different, so we're hiding.
"I'm bored,we've watched transformers,paper towns,Big Bang theory and now.. I'm bored" Annie huffs
"Yeah me to, but we-" I'm cut off when I hear a voice down stairs
"We're back bastards and bitches!!" Kyles voice rings through the house. Me and Annie look at each other grinning before standing up and going to get dressed.
"We.look.adorable !!" I shout mouth open Annie laughs nodding,
"Ok, now I guess it's time to tell them." Annie says confidently I nod gulping
"How about we just tell them about you..?" I suggest
"No." She gives me a dead pan look and I nod rolling my eyes
"Guess not"
"Nope" she says popping the P.
We go out the room and down stairs to see them all in the living room, what a coincidence! I cough getting there attention. Blake runs up to me engulfing  me in a hug putting his head in my neck and breathing in my scent I smile and hug back
"I've missed you" he mumble
"I've missed you too" I say happily he pulls pack and sits down and then Kyle comes running to me
"I've missed you so much, I don't think I can leave you again!" He exclaims making us all laugh
"He wasn't even this happy when he saw me.. His own mate!" Chloe explains waving her arms about. He pulls back and goes to her pulling her down onto the couch with him.
"Erm yeah me and Mara have an announcement" Annie stutters making everyone turn to us
"Babe are you ok you's have both been up in the room all day..." Scott says worried
"Yeah we're fine, great actually but urm we need to tell you guys something and we don't know how you will take it.."
"I can't do it! Jaut spit it out , Annie's pregnant!" I scream quickly she gasps pointing at me
" Mara! How could you?! We were gunna say it together! Anyway I'm not the only one your pregnant too!!" She accuses, my eyes widen as does her's and we slowly turn to look at everyone. Chloe and Emma look look like there about to burst from joy Kyle is sat there with a toothy smile Scott is shocked looking between us margo is sat there clapping  and Blake? Well I can't tell..
"OMG we're going to be aunties !!" Chloe and Emma scream running up to us and hugging us jumping around I giggle and hug back
"Wow you guys are pregnant, cool! Oooo can I be a uncle?" Kyle asks
"Congrats. I'm so pleased I'm going to be a auntie, and a real one !" Margo  says looking at Emma and Chloe cheekily at the end
"Wow. I'm going to be a dad. That's, that's fantastic! I love you so much!" Scott says running over to Annie and hugging her close she smiles and they talk for a while before he turns to me
"Congrats sis I'm happy for you" he says hugging me. We all turn to look at the still frozen silent Blake slowly
"Blake sweetie. Say something. Anything even if it is that you reject me.." I say quietly this gets a reaction as he growls pulling me onto his lap hugging me as if he was protecting me.
"Never reject you. I love you and I'm so happy that your pregnant! I can't wait to raise a child with you." He speaks proudly making me let go of the breath I hadn't realised i was holding.
"I love you to" i whisper into him.
"Let's celebrate!" Emma and Kyle say at the same time before looking at each other and bursting out laughing.

Hope you enjoyed it

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