You can live here, we will hide you!

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*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*mara's PoV

It's been a few hours and right now: me,Blake,Kyle,Emma,Annie,Ryder and Scott and Chloe, who I have found is Kyle's mate are all sat in the living room watching the credits roll down the screen of transformers.
"Well we better be going to bed" says Kyle pointing between him and Chloe
"But-but Chloe's mine" I say upset making her smile and grab onto me, Kyle looks at us weird before going up the stairs.
"Haha I should go then" says Chloe giving me one last hug and running up the stairs.
"I got to go to,duty calls can't leave my pack forever!" Ryder exclaims jumping up
"Nooooooo don't leave me! You can't,
You can live here we will hide you !!" I say desperately crawling to the door, he turns back grinning.
"Aww don't worry baby I will come visit you and you come see me?" He says to me as if I'm a dog, well I guess technically I am,I nod and hug him and he leaves out the door before Blake can say anything. Scott and Annie are next to say there leaving, oh ya there mates to
"Ok bye"
"Wait how come you care about them leaving but not your brother you haven't seen for 11 years ?!?" Scott exclaims faking hurt, I shrug my shoulders and they leave. Emma then tries to leave but I grab here.
"Oh hell no bitch!" She leans down and pulls me closer
"I brought your suff here when you get kidnapped and your present from me, I bet your mate missed you and wants to see what you got for your birthday..." She whispers to me, I pull away to see her wiggling her eye brows
"Ok  ew but thanks for getting them!" I say
"Hey you said you'd use it !!"I laugh and push her out the room.
"What was that about?" Blake asked curiously, I shake my head
"Oh nothing late how bout we go to bed ?" I ask, he nods before coming up to me picking me up bridal styles and carrying me to the room. I giggle
"Ya know I can walk?"
"No need" he says shaking his head and throwing me on the bed I giggle and get up to get changed.
I walk into the closet to see my stuff lined up, and then my eyes come across a certain present, hmmmm.
I walk over to it and grab it before stripping off and putting it on, I look in the mirror and gasp at my reflection my hat is down to my ribs and all messed up as if I just had a intense make out session and the lingerie clings to my body showing my aesthetes and curves of more. Not to be vain or anything but dang I look hot..
I peek out the room and see my gorgeous mate sat on the bed facing away from me I step out and close the door behind me, I turn back round to see him a few steps away from me his eyes changing between black, his wolf, and his normal gray eyes.
"Hey babe..." I say slowly, he growls sexily before slamming his lips onto mine and pushing me again the bedpost

Well the next chapter is going to be awkward and strange to write..😳😱😂 I KNOW ITS SUPER SHORT BUT I WANTED TO PUT THE NEXT PART IN THE NEXT CHAPTER 😬😎😉

My mate is a annoying possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now