Together again!

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This picture has nothing to do with the story but I really liked it and found it amazing 😂👌💙

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*blake's  PoV

"And here's  the next stage" I say loudly so everyone can hear.
Straight after I say this the hole pack comes out along with my best friend Ryder's pack and my big sisters rouge group, she is a rouge because she wanted 'freedom' whatever that means.
They all charge and Ryder comes straight to us like planned and grabs Mara
"Hello Mara, sorry we had to meet like this but come with me" he Says with a flirtatious making me growl
"Erm ok" she giggles back 'he's funny, do I go with him?' I hear her say through the mind link, I nod and she runs off with him. God, please be ok..
I turn my head to see Harley staring at me a few feet away scared, HA he should be! I let my wolf take over and run to him.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*mara's PoV  

"Wait !!" I scream to Ryder.
"What ?" He says back worried making me smile
"Awe your scared for me even though you don't know me, anyway we have to go back to the cells my brother is there."
"Shut up no I'm not, and fine but be quick you need to live so I can live"  he said before running to the cell doors with me trailing behind him, but apparently that's not good enough because he grabs my hand and pulls me up to him.
"Go get him I will make sure no one else comes" he says , I nod and run straight to the right cell grabbing the keys before unlocking my brothers door and walking in
"Mara, what are you doing here? What's with all the noise up there ?"Scott questions
"No time to explain right now come with me we are going home" he nods excitedly and we both dash out the room and back to where Ryder is
"Who's he ?" Scott says
"Ryder he is helping us escape, now stop with the questions and let's go" I say back. Ryder chuckles before we run back into the mayhem I scan around the room and looking for a certain alpha when my eyes land on his big black wolf with piecing blue eyes on top of a small vampire trying to bite him,but Blake has the upper hand and bites his neck making him fall lifelessly to the ground, but then out the corner of my eye I see a big broad man running up to Blake from behind, oh no you don't that's my mate only I hurt him. I run through the clouds of people with my eyes locked with the man running for my mate ignoring the calls from my brother and Ryder , I feel my wolf taking over and I let her and change into my wolf form midair ripping my clothes to shreds and pouncing on the man tearing him to pieces, I howl happily when I see him dead on the floor, making Blake turn his head to me, he does a Wolfe smile and nods in the direction of Ryder telling me to go, I huff and shake my head
'Mara GO' he says inside my head
'No you nearly got killed and I'm not letting that happen, I'm staying.'
'Fine, but only because there is like 4 people left to kill' he says cockily.
But then the door crash open and about a hundred vampires come in looking pissed , really pissed. Oh oh, we all growl and they hiss and with that go into full war mode...


After fighting for about .. I don't even know how long we all stand here vampires scattered everywhere along with 6 wolfs, I know it's not s lot in the ratio of 140:6 but I let out a whimper and lie down, Blake comes and lies down next to me nuzzling his head in my neck making me giggle inside. But then I remember why all this started.
I scan my eyes around the dead body but don't find him
'Did no one kill him ?!?' I shout in my Luna tone to everyone making everyone flinch and bow down a little.
'He got away Luna some of us are looking for him as we speak'
'That's the main person needed dead and you didn't kill him' shouts blake in his alpha tone making everyone flinch, he nearly made me flinch with his tone
'No sorry alpha , sorry Luna' says everyone
'It's fine I'm alive, most of us are alive the good' I sigh, and with that I block the connection of only to have another one come through.
'We will find him love, I'm just so happy that I have you back' Blake says
'I know we will, and I'm so happy to be with you again I've missed you'
'Come on let's go back' and with that we all head back to the pack, in our wolf forms as we don't have any clothes.

God it's good to be back with my mate and my pack I think yeah I know how you feel snow chimes in oh hey how are you doing? I ask I'm a little shaken but I'll be fine I agree before looking up at my mate and sighing in content


Yay there back together❤️ sorry I know it's short but it's the best I could do 😁😊

My mate is a annoying possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now