Babies ?!

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Two months later*~*~*~*~*~*
Mara's POV

"Babe! Can you get me a chicken sandwich?!" I shout
"Urrggg fine!" He groans making me smile, a few moments later he comes waltzing in with my sandwich. He lays down next to me on the couch making his head at my stomach hight
"Hey baby girl hey baby boy how you doing? We're going to hospital later because your coming out in just two days, isn't that great because then you get a stubborn gorgeous funny weird mam an-" I cut him off
"And a annoying possessive handsome strange amazing farther" I smile down at my stomach.
The pack door opens and In walks a stressed but happy Scott and an excited but tired Annie holding the most adorable little girl
"We're back from hospital!" Scott says
"Omg! She's adorable" I scream whilst attempting to get up off the couch, Blake helps me up and I waddle over to them. I give Scott and Annie a hug before putting my arms out
"Can I hold her?" I ask hopeful and Annie laughs nodding whilst carefully handing her over
"Aw look at you! You're just adorable aren't you? " I coo booping her nose making her look at me strange before laughing slightly making me awe even more I feel a tear come down my face
"Baby what's wrong?" Blake asks while I hand the baby girl back over
"I want mine!" I pout like a child making him laugh at me
"And you will in two days so just chill ok love?" He says hugging me, I sniffle
"Fineeee" I whine, I go and sit back on the couch but a big pain hits my stomach making me wince and groan. I then feel something... pop? And a wetness down below, the pains get worse and I grab the wall
"Blake?! Get the emergency bag and get In the car we're going to hospital!" I scream, he comes out the kitchen looking at me strange
"We don't have to be there for 3 hours?" He says dumbfound
"My waters fucking broke! The god damn baby's are coming! Now get In the fucking car!" I screech making him suddenly hop into action, on the way out to the car I look at Annie's baby
"This is your fault if you didn't come and be so adorable I wouldn't of wanted it yet" I glare playfully but the pain comes back so I quickly leave.


"Ok Mara I need you to take a deep breath and push." The doctor tells me, I suck up and push out squeezing Blake's hand harder making his face scrunch up.
"Ok good. Again." The doctor says
"Fuckkkk" I groan while pushing
"Ok child the first word out baby will hear is not how it was made" Blake jokes slightly. I push again and again as the doctor says
"And your first child is a boy!" The doctor cheers happily for us
"We- we have a baby boy?" Blake asks
"Yes. But I thought you found out what you having?" The doctor asks confused
"Yes we did. I'm just shocked"
"Ok shit the next one here!" I moan pushing. The doctor hands over the baby boy to a nurse who goes to clean him up while the doctor helps me push out my girl
"One more push should do it." The doctor says
"I can't!" I scream
"Baby please ok just one more push" Blake pleads
"Urg!" I groan but push hard anyways before hearing the soft sound of my baby girl crying.
"We did it?" I ask tired
"We sure did" Blake grins widely at the children. The nurse picks up the baby boy and places him in my arms and does the same with our baby girl to Blake
"Hello baby. I'm your mother, yes I am! And I promise to love and cherish you everyday... but I still owe uncle Scott £10 because you were born first" I giggle to my baby boy

"So what we calling them?" Blake asks
"I was thinking for the girl pixie and for the boyyy.-"
"Asher?" He guesses
"Pixie and Asher. What lovely names for lovely children with lovely parents" Blake says proudly making me want to boop his nose. But I don't obviously, I have children for that now. And I'm never letting them go....


One chapter left to go 😭😱👏👋

Anyway I know it's short but that's all I could write so.. sorry? Xx

Remember toooo



And share

Bye xxxxx

My mate is a annoying possessive alphaWhere stories live. Discover now