... Huh.sneaky bastards!

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Yay new chapter!!

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* blake's PoV

My office door burst open and in comes some kid called Karl comes in sweating, I'm just about to shout at him to get out when he shouts

"I'm so sorry I had to do it be is my dad and- he was going to kill me!!"
"What are you talking about who ?" I demand in my alpha tone
"It's Harley the vampire King he is my dad and well he has her he's got your Mate I had to help him get her and I'm so sorry there gone." He stutters out tears threatening  to burst free.
"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GAVE YOUR OWN LUNA.. MY MATE AWAY?!?, KYLE! Take him to a cell and keep him there till I return" I say to my beta he nods and takes Karl away.
I'm coming Mara i try to tell her but it doesn't reach something blocking the way .. Huh sneaky bastards!

Chase ! Get the pack together for a meeting and I mean everyone!" I shout to the third in command and he runs of.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*mara's PoV

I've been here for a few hours sat here trying to reach my mate or just someone in the pack but nothing, dang why did he stab me with ? Suddenly a cough comes from my right making me dart my head in the directing.
I slowly stand up and walk over to the source of the sound cautiously,
"H-hello ?" I question , a little bit of shuffling sounds happen and then a strong tired beaten up man standing in front of me with a astonished worried face stuck to him, I take in all his features, blonde hair slightly lighter than mine piercing green eyes identical to me freckles covering his nose and cheek bones and small plump lips drained of colour then a small broken smile comes to his face and he says
"Mara? Wow it's really you.I've missed you so much !" Comes his raspy happy voice I know all to well except now it seems sad broken and lost but I still knew who this was Scott.
Scott black my twin brother!
I rush up to him wrapping my small arms round his body as his arms wrap tightly around my waist
"I- I have missed you so much to " I say back, tears coming down my cold cheeks. But obviously whenever I get a moment it's wrecked, the door slams open and a broad tall man with a chiselled face and black hair, he was hot but not as hot as Blake.BLAKE! I wonder how he is taking my absence. Does he even know ? My thoughts are cut short as a big cold hand comes in contact with my wrist and pulls me away from my brother
"Harley wants to see you" he bluntly says making me pull my hand away
"Tell him to fuck off , unless someone has come to get me and take me home or he is dead on the floor I'm not going"
"Well missy you have to so we can do this the easy way or the hard way" he calmly stats with a smirk making me angrier
"Oh bite me" I growl back instantly
"Gladly but I'm afraid that is for Harley to do , sorry lass" he says before dragging me out the room.
I don't reply just growl and mutter words under my breath. We come to a halt and a big black door, this place seems to have a colour theme: black and blood, it's really welcoming... Note the sarcasm
The door opens and whatever his name is pushes me in and closes it again.. Coward he's scared of Harley, ha not me. I turn around to face the room and see it has a red rug and black shiny floor along with white walls that look over painted and rows of black seats with a big brown Pine chair at the front. Huh boring and creepy very suitable, my eyes dart the the other door at the sound of it turning and in walks my fav person ever! Harley. Oh wait did I say favourite I meant worst oops.
He slowly walks to the chair his eyes clued to me as if in case of me doing anything, pfft he would know if I was! He sits down and stairs at me for a few Moments,but it got to creepy for me so I say
"Look I know I'm a sight for saw eyes which you probably have from drugs or summit but it's rude to stare , what do you want?"
At first my words had star struck him he sat there shocked at me before a smirk made a way to his face and he can strolling over to me putting a hand on my cheek and keeping me still with the other one
"Your right you are a sight for saw eyes which I do have from not having any sleep all I could think about was you but that ok now your here and I'm sorry for staring" he says softly but I can tell it was laced with anger because of what I said, I throw my self around trying to get free of his grip and eventually I do and rub my face with my sleeve trying to get his horrific touch off of me .. Like ew who does he think he is.
"Well I must say I don't think your mate cares very much you have been out 2 days and a half and he still isn't here!" He exclaims happily
"He's coming he was planning he's smart . Unlike some people" I say the last part quieter so he can't hear
"Mhm if you need to tell your self that then do but he's not coming" he says but as soon as those words leave his mouth the door bursts open and in comes a very very mad alpha Blake.. Ha suck on that prick who isn't coming ? Snow says happily were have you been you would of been a lot of help before I say sorry I couldn't communicate with you I sigh I'm understatement Blake stomps up to me his black eyes clued on Harley and snarls, I know it's not the time but dang that was hot...
"How did you get in?" Harley asks in disbelief, his voice quivering every word
"Well as my lovely mate said , plan." He says simply, he takes a step back and pulls me toward him making sparks erupt and my wolf howl, God I've missed him! He sucks in a breath probably trying to compose himself because of the touch and when he realises he can barely think he pries me away from him with all his will power and puts me 2 steps away , I huff unsatisfied and go to get closer when he speak
"And here's the next stage"

Yay there back together!! 😂💕 hope you enjoyed it byee xx

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