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Final chapter x enjoy! Comment what you think about the chapter and the book overall thank you! X

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*mara's POV
(3 and a half years later!!)
"Zowie! Get back here" I hear from the door making me dart up from the couch happily
"Annie!" I scream
"Scott!" I add
"And ZOWIE!" I add even happier
"Oh I understand now the child is better than us is it?" Scott says fake hurt
"Yup" I say popping the P making him huff in defeat. The back garden door opens and a loud squealing sound comes before pixie comes running inside towards me with a happy Blake following behind
"Mama! Help Papa's coming to eat me!" She screams laughing, latching herself onto me. I pick her up and put her on my hip as Blake stalks over to us making her giggle and squirm into me more
"Boo" Blake whispers into pixies ear making her squeal then laugh hugging me
"Where's Asher?" Annie whines making me giggle
"With Chloe, she wanted to babysit him. Sorry" I answer
"It's fine. Because I have got this lovely little girl to see right here" she says coming towards pixie  and picking her out me arms
"So do you want to play tea party's with me and Zo?" She asks her and pixie nods very eagerly practically jumping out of her arms
"I will go set it up!" She shouts running up the stairs in a strange manner.
"I can't believe it's been five years since Dylan passed away" she sighs resting against the counter reminding me about what today is about, I sigh with her
"Yeah I know"
"But I bet he's so happy in Heaven, hey! Maybe he found his mate?" She says happy
"Yeah. Maybe, you know he was always saying how he thought heaven was like a giant TV because you could watch a thing you want, the world would be like a reality show." I said sigh remembering what he use to say when we watched the fault in our stars or anything sad when someone died
"Yup well that's one messed up reality show" she laughs
"Yeah. And this is the happy ending of ours I guess" I giggle looking at Blake whilst he speaks to Scott
"Hubby! Can we go for a run? My wolf wants our?" I suddenly whine
"I have told you a million times to not call me that" Blake points out unimpressed
"But Annie does it with Scott!" I whine
"I don't care!"
"But yes we can go for a run. Let's go" he says grabbing my hand
"Ok im going to play with zowie and pixie, Scott. Do whatever" I hear Annie say just before I close the door and wander through the forest with Blake.


After letting our wolfs out and messing around we finally get back to the pack house. I grab my phone to call Chloe because I'm missing Asher but no one picks up
"What's the matter?" Blake asks hugging me from behind
"Nothing. I just wanted Asher to come back early because I missed him but no ones picking up" I pout making him chuckle
"Well we will see him soon, in around a hour ok? "
"Ok. I love you" I say turning around to look at  him
"I love you to" he replies happily
"I love you more" I sing, a smile coming on my face, he shakes his head and whispers in my ear
"I love you most" making me shiver and my knees to go weak. I lock my lips with his and we kiss passionately Blake goes to deepen it but then Kyle bursts through the door almost crying

"They- I- Chloe- Asher- gone" he huffs,
"What?" Blake sighs
"I got home and there was no one there, the house had been wrecked and there was a note saying that they've taken him and Chloe was a bonus. I'm sorry they've taken Asher" he sighs, I feel myself getting angrier buy the minute
"Who has him" I grit out
"Someone named Harriet" Kyle says
"I'm gunna- wait. Harriet?" ( for those who don't remember Harriet was the witch who helped Mara sort her powers)
Kyle nods
"I was just as confused as you"
"That Bitch! Why would she take our child!" Blake shouts throwing a cup across the room to the wall, it shatters making us flinch
"We're going to get them back, Chloe and Asher will come back home." I demand before going up the stairs to tell Scott and Annie about the problem

Guess our happy ending has to wait speaks snow in my head
Yup, guess so because it can't happen without them...


Anddddd that's all folks! I know it was short and I'm sorry but that is all for this book, but I am going to write a new one so I hope you will read and enjoy that one!

Comment what you thought of my book and his chapter

Vote if you liked it xx


Byeeeeeee xx 

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